From Tantric Meditation~2

Book excerpt: 1. Meditation has a significant impact on blood pressure. Blood pressure will be reduced a lot during and after meditation, so meditation is especially recommended for patients with high blood pressure. During meditation, sympathetic nerve activity will also decrease, and the contraction of blood vessels will automatically decrease, promoting blood flow. During meditation, the increased blood flow ensures that oxygen is delivered to the muscles more efficiently, and lactic acid is removed more quickly and effectively.

2. Many people are often in a state of tension, often tightening muscles, squinting, biting nails, etc. These reactions are precursors of physical and mental disorders and diseases. When a person begins to show tension, sympathetic and The adrenal glands begin to respond, and prolonged stimulation can lead to the so-called diseases of civilization, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary thrombosis, duodenal ulcers, as well as a large number of mental illnesses, headaches, skin problems, muscle spasms, and many others. disease. The way to cope and heal is to completely relax your entire body and mind every day. Sleep is one way, but most people are too nervous to relax during sleep. They're still trying to solve daytime problems during sleep, so it's not enough to eradicate damage from overuse of the adrenal glands and sympathetic nerves. It is only in deep relaxation that physiological operations are eventually repaired and returned to normal activity levels. Meditation is a method of deep relaxation.

3. If we want to live a meaningful life, we need to reorganize our thoughts. The wrong thought programs we have developed bit by bit since birth are the cause of all the unhappiness and distress in our lives. , reorganize your thoughts, and you will begin to live a deeply meaningful and happy life. A good mind program can make the earth a real paradise, and a bad mind program can make this earth a hell.

4. The power of suggestion is very powerful. If our thoughts in life are negative, then our lives will become negative. If we think positively, our lives will definitely tend to be positive. If we strongly believe that we will get cancer, then we will definitely suffer from cancer. This is the power of suggestion or belief.

5. Through the improvement of awareness brought about by yoga or meditation, practitioners will find that their problems, fears, fears, etc. will slowly manifest themselves. A particularly good way to bring these deep emotions and mental tensions to light is to practice regular inner silence meditation and make a mental or written note of what is revealed during the practice.

6. Another important application of autosuggestion is the treatment and prevention of disease and physical discomfort. By continually instructing the body to become whole, strong and balanced, even the most serious terminal illnesses such as cancer or leukemia can be cured by those with a strong desire. The best time to make self-suggestions is after meditation practice, or when getting up in the morning and before going to bed at night. These are the times when the brain is particularly receptive to suggestions. Repeat the suggestion with intensity and feel it for a few minutes. A total belief in autosuggestion will bring about the desired transformation. If this is done, autosuggestion will certainly succeed, and half-hearted suggestion will certainly fail.

Enlightenment: Today I once again realized the necessity of meditation. It not only allows us to release tension and stress, lower blood pressure, promote blood circulation, but also calms the body and mind, and deeply repairs the excessive stress of the adrenal glands and sympathetic nerves. damage to the body. The benefits of meditation are really hard to ignore.

In today’s reading, I also learned the importance of consciousness. Good thinking and consciousness will project good reality, and negative consciousness will project negative reality, so you must ensure that your thinking is as good as possible. Be in a positive state, do not judge others, do not react to bad news, always live in the present, pay attention to the state of good intentions, and pay attention to some of your own emotions that emerge during meditation practice, record them, and To face it. When you get up in the morning, before going to bed, or after meditation, give your body firm and positive hints, and be particularly affirmative. This is the moment when the brain is easy to accept hints. Affirm yourself particularly positively, and then feel this state for a few minutes. You must have a firm attitude, trust your body, and trust yourself.