Lord, may the grace you give us increase day by day, and may your presence and blessings become more abundant.

Oh, Lord Jesus, I love you. In the morning, I kneel before you again and bow my head to worship you. Oh, please revive me, raise up my spirit, and make me strong. Don’t Let negativity and weakness contaminate me and become an obstacle for me to move forward. Lord Jesus, I long to be strengthened by you every day. I want to be fully open to you. Please fill me with your uninterrupted love and grace and straighten the inner world of me. There is no distance between you and me. John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the reality, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. Amen! Lord, by enjoying Your word every morning, I can contact You in the spirit, enter into You, and enjoy Your supply, Amen!

Lord Jesus, please enlighten every part of me. Make my whole being bright, strengthen me when I am weak, encourage me when I am discouraged, and save me when I am confused. Amen! I can’t find comfort or encouragement outside of you. Lord Jesus, you are my salvation, my salvation. Don’t let me live my daily life busy for myself and lose myself. Although I need to work hard for life, don’t let me fall into Satan’s snare and be busy all day long. Please separate me so that I can rest in the busyness, find joy in the suffering, live a holy life, and experience your divine portion. rather than just seeking earthly material comforts. Matthew 16:26 What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul-life? What else can a man give in exchange for his soul life? Amen! Compared with you, all other things are nothing, but you are the reality. Lord, I am willing to return to you. May my life be enriched by you, make my life more outstanding, and be remembered by you. Amen !

Lord Jesus, I can learn to seek you in all the big and small things every day. Amen, I admit how inadequate, limited and unreliable I am. I want to learn to look up to you and surrender to you. Forgive me, my eyesight is short-sighted and I am often bound by earthly things, which makes me impatient and unable to quietly enjoy and wait. I am always working in my own way. Please show me mercy and be kind to me, and become a person who lives in peace. Those who quietly seek and wait before You, wait and look to You as my only way out and solution, Amen! Isaiah 30:18 Therefore the LORD will wait, that he may be gracious to you; he will remain on high, that he may have mercy on you; for the LORD is a God of justice, and blessed are those who wait for him.

Amen! Lord, make me such a blessed person. Whether it is work or family, my children’s studies and family are all blessed by you. You take care of every need of ours from above. Amen!

Lord Jesus, let us be bathed in love every day. Day by day, I really feel that your grace is getting more and more, and your presence and blessings are getting richer and richer. They! Because with you, I can be satisfied, with you, I have a way out, amen!