1. There are many dwellings in the kingdom of heaven, which are incorruptible, incorruptible and remain in the sky forever (about14: 2; 1 Peter1:4; rev . 2 1:7; Come 10: 34).
2. The kingdom of heaven is the most stable and will never waver, where there is no sorrow, pain, tears and death (Hebrews12: 28; Version 7:13-17; Luke 20: 36).
3. Completely holy, free from sin and sunshine, it is a place of eternal glory (Rev. 2 1: 27, 22: 5; John 3: 5-6).
4. The saint will be transformed into a glorious body, similar to the Lord, and will enter the kingdom of heaven, see the glory of the Lord, and reign with the Lord (Philip. 3: 2 1; 6:15-16 in advance; 1 John 3: 2; 2: 12).
5. A place full of glory, praise and joy (Ps. 73: 24; Tai13: 43; Version 4: 8- 1 1).