Scripture: Isaiah 66: 2; Matt 5:3
Brothers and sisters are familiar with the eight blessings in the Sermon on Mountaineering of the Lord Jesus and often encourage themselves. We live in this society today, not only to encourage ourselves with God's Word, but more importantly, to experience God's Word, to learn to be closer to God through experience, and to make our life grow continuously. Almost all preachers will talk about the Eight Blessings in their sermons, because it not only brings us benefits in our daily life, but also makes our life more meaningful. Today we will share the first of the eight blessings: "Blessed are the humble".
First, the inherent meaning of modesty
1, modesty
Philippians 2:3 "Don't form a clique in everything, don't covet vain glory, just be humble, everyone thinks others are better than themselves".
Pet 5:5 "You younger ones should also obey the older ones. Gird up your loins with humility and obey each other, for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. 」
Step 2 be humble
Ephesians 4:2 "Be humble, gentle and patient in all things, and tolerate each other with love."
Xisan 12 "Therefore, since you are God's chosen people, you should have compassion, kindness, modesty, gentleness and patience."
3, trembling (guilty)
Philippians 2: 12 "So, my dear brothers, since you always obey, not only am I with you, but I am not with you now, but you are more obedient. Therefore, be afraid and tremble, and do your salvation. "
Psalm 2: 1 1 "Serve the Lord with fear, but rejoice with trembling."
4. Regret and spiritual poverty
Isa 66:2 All these things have been made by my hand, says the Lord, so I have them. But I care about those who are humble, contrite and tremble at my words. " "
Luke 6:20 "Jesus looked up at his disciples and said,' Blessed are you poor people, for the kingdom of God belongs to you.' "
Psalm 34: 18 "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the spiritually contrite."
Isaiah 57: 15 "Therefore, the immortal named the Holy One said,' I live in the highest and most holy place, and I also live with those who are contrite and humble; Awaken a humble heart and a contrite heart. " "
Second, why be modest?
1, be saved
Matt 5:3 "Blessed are the humble, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
I Peter 5:5 "gird your loins with humility and be obedient to one another, for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble."
Pro 3:34 "He mocks the scoffer, but gives kindness to the humble."
Job 22:29 "When people corrupt you, you can still say that you will be promoted. God will save the humble. "
Ps 76:8-9 "You make people hear the judgment from heaven. When God stood up to judge and save all the humble people on earth, the earth was afraid and silent. "
Philippians 2: 12 "So, my dear brothers, since you always obey, not only am I with you, but I am not with you now, but you are more obedient. Therefore, be afraid and tremble, and do your salvation. "
Psalm 34: 18 "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the spiritually contrite."
Psalm 149:4 "Because the Lord loves his people, he will adorn the humble with salvation."
Step 2 have fun
Ps 34:2 "My heart will boast in the Lord; When the humble hear it, they will be glad. "
Psalm 37: 1 1 "The humble will inherit the land and take pleasure in abundant peace."
Ps 69:32 "When the humble see it, they are glad. Those who seek God, may your hearts awaken. "
Psalm 2: 1 1 "Serve the Lord with fear, but rejoice with trembling."
3. I'm honored
Pro 15:33 "The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom. Before honor, there must be humility. "
Pro 18: 12 "People are proud of corruption; Before honor, there must be humility. "
Pro 22:4 "If you fear the Lord and be humble, you will get wealth, honor and life."
Pro 29:23 "People's pride will ruin themselves; He who is humble in heart will be honored. "
Luke 14:7- 1 1 "When Jesus saw that the invited guests chose the first place, he told them in a metaphor: If you are invited to the wedding banquet, don't sit at the first place, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him. Then call your people to come over and say to you: give this seat! You will be ashamed to retreat to the bottom. When you are invited, sit at the bottom, so that the person who invited you can say to you, friend, please come and sit down. Then you will be glorious in front of the people at the same table. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; Inferiority, rising. "
Third, how to practice our modesty.
1, fear God and walk with God
Mic 6:8 "O man, the Lord has shown you what is good. What does he want from you? As long as you are just, compassionate and humble, walk with your God. "
Ecclesiastes 3: 14 "I know that everything God does is eternal, neither adding nor subtracting. God did this to make people feel fear in front of him. "
Ecclesiastes 5:7 "There are many dreams and many words, many of which are illusory. You just need to fear God. "
Pro 3:7 "Don't think you are wise, but fear the Lord and keep away from evil."
Pro 9: 10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowing the most holy is wisdom."
2. Count God's grace
Ephesians 1:6-8 "praised his glorious grace." He gave us this grace in his beloved son. Through the blood of this beloved son, we are redeemed and our sins are forgiven, according to his rich grace. This grace is given to us by God with all kinds of wisdom. "
Psalm 65:9- 13 "You care for the land, and the rain moistens it and makes it rich. God's river is full of water; You water the land in this way to prepare food for people. You watered the furrows of the land, leveled the ridges of the fields, rained showers and made the land soft; Those with long hair are all blessed by you. You crown your years with grace, and all your paths are dripping with fat, dripping on the grass in the wilderness. The mountains are clothed with joy, the pastures are clothed with sheep, and the valleys are full of grain. All this cheers and sings. "
3. I often see others better than myself.
Philippians 2:3-4 "Don't form a clique in everything, don't covet vain glory, as long as you are modest, everyone thinks others are better than themselves." Everyone should not only mind their own business, but also mind other people's business. "
Today, we thought about the first of the eight blessings, "Blessed are the humble". I hope every brother and sister can truly become humble and get God's blessing and promise, saying, "Because the kingdom of heaven is yours".