1, the third paragraph of Lisao. Take a long breath to hide your tears and mourn the hardships of people's lives. Although I am good at trimming my hair, I am embarrassed by it and I am eager to change it. This is both a pity for Yu and a petition for it. For the ideal cherished in my heart, I will not regret it a thousand times. The resentment of practice is mighty and will never be seen by the people. Many women are jealous of Yu's beauty. They say Yu is good at prostitution.
It is wise to stick to the rules, but correct your mistakes according to the rules. Chanting rope ink chasing songs, competing with Zhou Rong. I am so depressed and poor at this time. I'd rather die in exile, but I can't bear it. Raptors are not crowded because of their previous lives. How can I be happy and how can I make my husband live a stable life? Curse your heart, suppress your ambitions, but be particularly tolerant and angry. Be innocent, die straight, and be thicker than the former sanctuary.
2, "The Hard Road" Li Bai. Hey, hey, it's dangerous! The difficulty of Shu Dao is difficult to go to the sky! Until the two rulers of this area forced their way through in the foggy age! Forty-eight thousand years have passed. Don't talk to Qin Sai. And Dabaishan, to the west, still has only one bird path, all the way to the peak of Emei. Once it was broken by an earthquake, some brave people lost it, and then the ladder stone pile was hooked.
On the high flag, six dragons drive the sun, and far below, the river lashes its twisted channel. Such a height is difficult for a yellow crane, poor monkey, they only have claws to use. The Green Mud Mountain is made up of many circles. For every hundred steps, we have to turn nine times in the middle of its mound. Panting, we passed Orion, passed Jingxing, and then fell to the ground with our arms folded and groaned.
3, "Shuxiang" Du Fu. Where is the temple of the famous prime minister? It is in a deep pine forest near the Silk City. The steps are dotted with green grass in spring, and birds are chirping happily under the leaves. The third call aggravated his state affairs, and he gave his sincerity to two generations. But before he conquered, he died, and since then the heroes have been crying on their coats.
4. It must be hard to go to Bao Zhao. If you pour water on the ground, it will flow in different directions, and the difference in life is not consistent. Life is fixed, how can you always complain about self-pity? Drink some wine to comfort yourself and sing "It's hard to walk", and the singing is interrupted by drinking. If the heart is not vegetation, how can there be no feelings? Want to say or say, and want to do, no longer say anything.
5, "Hakka" Du Fu, my north, my south, spring water flooding, day after day I only saw seagulls. The old lady didn't sweep the flower path for the guests. Today, it's only for you. Chai Men hasn't opened it for you yet, but it will open it for you today. Too far from the city, too far from good food, too thin family background, only old wine. If you are willing to invite the old man next door to drink with you, he will drink his cup through the fence!