2. "Song of Race" is fine on May 5, and Huayang sings Xiaoying around the river; Before the monarch left the county, he heard the harmony on the river early; The monarch came out, and the horse was led by the red flag; The clothes on both sides of the strait smell fragrant, and the silver hairpin shines on the frost blade; The drums sounded three times and the red flag opened, and two dragons jumped out of the water; Shadow waves fly to Wan Jian, and the drums sound like thunder; The drums are getting closer and closer, and the eyes of the two dragons are like an instant; The people on the slope thundered and the rainbow on the pole was dizzy; The front boat won the bid to launch, and the rear boat lost momentum and waved.
3. "Seven-law Dragon Boat Festival" is more affectionate in the festival of youth. Who knows what it feels like when you are old; It's useless, but just pray for wine and wine. The temples add white heads every day, and pomegranates bloom every year;
4, "Five Silk" The more people spread the custom of Chu, and cut bamboo for silk. Deep underwater rest, congratulations to Japan and China. The quality is excellent, and Ma Biji is beautiful. Splendid new paragraph, lamb sleeps old poem. But who recommended Quyuan Temple for the Dragon Boat Festival? When wine arrives, Miluo is far away.
5. "Giving clothes to China and Japan in the afternoon" is also famous, and the Dragon Boat Festival is a great honor. The fragrant silk is spun into fine kudzu vine, and the soft wind blows as white as new snow. Since it is wet, it will clear up when it is hot. The length of the clothes in the palace is all combined with the mind, and I will bear the hospitality of the emperor all my life.