Family instruction and family style poems
Zhu Zhijia's motto, get up at dawn, sweep the courtyard, and be clean inside and outside; When you are unconscious, you will rest. If you close the door, you will behave well. It is not easy to think about a porridge and a meal; It is difficult to keep thinking about material resources. It is better to prepare for a rainy day than to dig a well when you are thirsty. Self-help must be frugal, and banquets must not be delayed. The utensils are clean and tidy, and the tile is better than gold; The more exquisite the diet, the more delicious the vegetables in the garden. Don't run fancy houses, don't seek fertile land. Three aunts and six wives are the media of prostitution and theft; Beautiful girls and concubines are not the blessings of the boudoir. Don't be handsome for a servant, and don't make up for wives. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifice must be sincere; Although children and grandchildren are stupid, they must read classics. The life cycle is simple, and the godson should have an upright side. Don't covet unexpected wealth and drink too much. Trade with your shoulders, don't take advantage; When you see poor relatives and neighbors, you must warm your shirt. Mean marriage will not last long; Lun Chang is a good boy and will die soon. Brothers and uncles should be generous, young and old, both inside and outside, and should be strict with themselves. Listen to this woman, dear. Is she a husband? If you value wealth and ignore your parents, you can't be the son of human beings. Marry a woman, choose a good husband, and do not seek re-employment; It's not too thick to marry a daughter-in-law and beg a lady. It is most shameful to see wealth and flattery; Being arrogant when you are poor is nothing more than meanness. If you quit fighting at home, the lawsuit will be fierce; Don't talk too much in life, you will suffer. Don't bully widows by force; Don't be greedy and kill birds. If you are eccentric, you will regret many mistakes; It's hard to succeed in one's home. If you are naughty, you will be bored for a long time; Qu Zhi is old, but if you are in a hurry, you can rely on each other. Listen to the speech lightly, be aware of unreasonable complaints, and think twice patiently; If you argue about something, you must think calmly. Don't forget to help without thinking. Leave room for everything and be proud of it. People are happy, not jealous; People should not be happy when they are in trouble. Being a good person and wanting to be seen by others is not really good; Fear of being known is a great sin. Seeing the color, I reported my wife and daughter; Hide resentment with arrows in the back, delaying future generations. Home and everything, although not from, but also happy; The Chinese class ended in the morning, but there was nothing left. I was complacent. Reading is aimed at sages, not disciples; Being an official and having a sovereign country is not a family background. Keep quiet and listen to the weather forecast. If you do this, you will be very close. Family is a nursery, children are seedlings, and family style is like raindrops. It sneaked into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. Only under the moisture of rain and dew can seedlings grow healthily, and only under the influence of good family style can children stand out. When I mentioned the word "fire" recently, I couldn't help but see the picture of my grandparents educating me. Recalling the past, grandma always tells me before going to school. Grandma is afraid that I will have conflicts with my classmates at school. She always gives me "political lessons" and tells me some classic stories. She taught me to be frank when things go wrong, to live in harmony with teachers and classmates at school, and not to have conflicts with others at any time. Under grandma's inculcation, I basically have no contradiction with my teachers and classmates. Grandpa likes to tell me a lot about his clothes. Grandpa also taught me that "only by suffering can I become a master". Only by experiencing an environment that ordinary people can't stand can we cultivate real talents and be superior in our future work and life. Maybe this is "God will demote you to a great position, so you must work hard and starve your body …"! I think, at present, I have entered high school and become a high school student. I have formed the good habit of helping others and being hard-working and simple. Come to think of it carefully, these are closely related to our family style. Now, grandma still gives me a "political lesson" every time before going to school, and grandpa still tells me about the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation from time to time before and after meals. I am happy to listen to what they say and do. Because that's a good family style in our family. It is worth promoting national culture to show the future, establish a correct family style and inherit excellent family rules and regulations. Now some bad habits in society have gradually withdrawn from people's sight, and "positive energy" can be transmitted. If we add a good family style to the construction, then our social atmosphere will be purer, people's lives will be better and the country's future will be more prosperous!