Li Bai was famous when he was very young. One spring, a squire named Hu celebrated his 50th birthday and invited Li Bai, a rich celebrity in the city. Look at Li Bai's young age, but he is informal and wants to make a fool of himself in public. Tell him to restrain himself. When he said this, he shook his head and read: You Jiazu is a drunk, his eyes droop, and he is a sleeping old man. Pointing to Mr. Hu's obese body, he said, "Half a month is fat, and one month is bloated. Mr. Hu stood in the middle with a big belly. I don't know whether it is fat or bloated. Everyone couldn't help laughing. Mr. Hu looked embarrassed.
However, this great-grandfather Hu did not give up. After drinking, squire Hu accompanied everyone to the garden for a walk. He saw some geese swimming in the lotus pond, so he pointed to the gosling and made a couplet for Li Bai: The white goose hasn't turned yellow yet, but it doesn't know the world. At this moment, a turtle just poked its head out of the pool and looked around. Li Bai frowned and blurted out: the turtle shell has been polished, and it is also an old fox. Since then, Taigong Hu has never made things difficult for Li Bai.