Will the passing rate of the law exam decrease in 2021?

Judging from the passing rate of the legal examination in Qinghai Province, the passing rate of the legal examination in 2021 will not decrease.

We learned from the Provincial Department of Justice that the number of people who passed the subjective examination in Qinghai Province increased by nearly 12% compared with 2019.

832 people passed the subjective questions of the 2020 National Unified Law Examination in Qinghai Province, including 599 people who passed Category A and 233 people who passed Category C. There were 60 Tibetan references and 55 qualified, including 11 in Category A and 44 in Category C. Compared with 2019, the number of people who passed the subjective examination in Qinghai Province increased by nearly 12%, of which Category A increased by 60.59% and Category C decreased by 37.02%. There was a net increase of 11 qualified Tibetan students in Category A, and a 12.82% increase in Category C. The number of qualified people increased significantly and the structure was optimized.

Extended information:

From January 8, 2021, law candidates can check their scores through the Ministry of Justice website, WeChat official account, China Legal Popularization Network, and China Legal Popularization WeChat official account. Download and print the score notification sheet yourself. Those who obtain qualified scores in the subjective examination and meet the awarding conditions upon review will be granted legal professional qualifications by the Ministry of Justice and issued a legal professional qualification certificate.

Reference material: People's Daily Online - The number of people who passed the legal examination in Qinghai Province in 2020 increased by 12%