From Master Zhuangzi. The original text says, "When the spring is dry, it is better to forget each other when the fish are on land. It is better to get carried away than to be arrogant. "
But as soon as we met, we knew each other.
It's better not to see each other.
Andrew and June are inconsistent.
Never teach life and death to be lovesick.
First, it is best not to meet each other, so you can not fall in love.
Second, it is best not to know each other, so that you can not miss each other.
Third, it's best not to accompany you, so you don't owe each other.
Fourth, it is best not to cherish each other, so that you can not remember each other.
Fifth, it is best not to fall in love, so as not to dislike each other.
Sixth, it is best not to face each other, so there is no need to meet.
Seventh, it is best not to make mistakes, so as to make mistakes.
Eighth, it is best not to promise each other, so you can not continue.
Ninth, it's best not to depend on each other, so you don't have to lean together.
Tenth, it's best not to meet each other, so we don't have to be together.
3. Nalan Rong Ruo's word "Flower Tang Chun"
A generation of two people will fight for two selflessness all their lives? Acacia don't look at each other, who is spring!
Begging from the blue bridge is easy, but rushing into the blue shipwreck. If you allow me to visit Oxford, I will forget my poverty relatively. "
I recalled the sentences I know, I hope they are useful to you ~! ^ ^