James 5:7--11
7 Brothers, be patient until the Lord comes. Behold, the farmer patiently waits for the precious produce of the ground until the autumn and spring rains come.
8 You also must be patient and strengthen your hearts, because the coming of the Lord is near.
9 Brothers, do not complain against one another, lest you be judged. Behold, the Judge stands at the door.
10 Brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as examples of suffering and endurance.
11 We call those who were patient and blessed. You have heard about Job’s patience and know the outcome the Lord gave him. It is obvious that the Lord is full of mercy and has great mercy.
The original meaning of the word "patience" is to stay in place and hold on when you want to run away. Patience is the patience shown under circumstances and encounters. The purpose of patience is to ultimately achieve your goal. Patience is a difficult thing. Both Eastern and Western cultures believe that patience is a good quality that has been tempered for a long time. Patience is often mentioned in the Bible, and the scriptures in James also speak of the patience of the saints and the patience of Job. This letter of the apostle James was written to Christians who were waiting for trouble at that time. At the beginning of the letter, he mentioned the need to be patient, not only to be patient, but also to be successful. Patience here is connected with waiting. Why should Christians be patient? Because they have to wait for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for this sacred waiting, Christians have to endure many difficulties in the world. Only patience is the way out in trouble. James chapter 5 verses 7 to 9. Here James uses different metaphors to illustrate the difficulty of patience and the importance of patience. Let’s look at the teachings about patience given to us in the Bible, and learn from them the lessons of Christian patience.
1. An example of patience
1. The Lord Jesus is an example of patience, patience in love
For Christians, the reason why we must practice The lesson of patience is that God, in His very nature, endures us. In the Bible, Jesus Christ also left us an example of patience. A great redemption was achieved. 1 Peter 2:23. Said he didn't retaliate when he was scolded. When he suffers, he does not utter threatening words, but entrusts himself to Him who judges righteously. God’s patience with us. We are the first to be forgiven of everything. In Him we are healed and set free. Therefore, in the situation at that time, James specifically encouraged Christians to be patient.
2. The prophets are examples of patience, endurance of the faithful
James 5:10 Brothers, consider as powerful the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. An example of suffering and endurance.
Most of the prophets in the Old Testament were sufferers. They were persecuted for preaching God's message. The prophets suffered not because of little faith, not because of sin, but because of their faithfulness. They preach God's message faithfully, without compromise or compromise. Many people suffered throughout their lives because of this, but the message from God was released to them truthfully. For example, the prophet Jeremiah
Matthew 5:10 - Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you if people revile you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Matthew 5:12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. The prophets who were before you were also persecuted in the same way. ”
3. Job is an example of patience, patience in suffering
James 5:11 We call those who were patient before and blessed. You have heard about Job He was patient and knew the outcome that the Lord had given him. It was obvious that the Lord was full of mercy and merciful.
Job suddenly began to face all the sufferings in life, and he did not know the cause of them. Job wanted to get answers, but when difficulties continued to come one after another, God did not answer him. He faced the accusations from his friends and doubts about his faith, and endured all the pain. In this situation, Job did not. Losing faith, he believed in the perfection of God, even though he did not understand the reason for everything he faced.
Job 13:15 He will kill me, and although I have no hope, yet I am. I will also defend my deeds before him.
Psalm 39:9 Because what happened to me is from you, I remain silent.
2. The Exercise of Patience<. /p>
1. Always be prepared
James 5:7 Be patient, brothers, until the Lord comes. Behold, the farmer waits patiently for the precious produce of the ground until the autumn and spring rains come. .
The entire Palestinian area is very dry. Here, as a farmer, you often need to wait for the rain to fall and the weather to be favorable before you can start farming smoothly. Farmers depend on many factors in the weather. It is impossible to control. During this process, farmers have to wait for spring and autumn rains so that their spring and autumn plowing can proceed smoothly. They do not do anything in the process. Make all preparations for farming. Prepare seeds and plow the soil so that you can farm smoothly when the rain comes. The external environment is beyond your control, but it is the farmer's job to be prepared with hope. An important exercise in the Christian journey of faith.
Romans 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we must wait patiently for it.
The faith of Christ is to prepare for the future in this life. The Lord Jesus taught his disciples to store up treasures in heaven. The days of patient waiting are not days of doing nothing, but a time to exercise our faith and love.
For example, the story of the ten virgins in the Bible
2. Strengthen your faith
James 5:8 You also must be patient and strengthen your hearts, for the Lord is coming The day is near.
Matthew 11:2 When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent two of his disciples away.
Matthew 11:3 asked him, “Who is he who is coming? Or should we wait for others? "
In the process of waiting, believers must strengthen their faith and not complain or lose faith because of circumstances. Just like the seeds that fall on the ground, you may not see the seeds sprout or grow for a period of time, but the farmer believes that there will be a harvest. In the Bible, John the Baptist suffered a lot of torture and pain. Although he was the pioneer of Jesus Christ, he also began to doubt the identity of the Lord Jesus as the Messiah. He sent his disciples to inquire about it. Jesus told John's disciples to see what the prophet's predictions were like. Fulfilled in the Lord. Suffering sometimes causes us to lose faith, and long periods of waiting can also cause us to doubt our faith. However, God constantly reminds us that He is faithful through His actions in history, and patience is the process of constantly strengthening faith.
3. Do not complain against one another
James 5:9 Brothers, do not complain against one another, lest you be judged. Behold, the Judge stands at the door.
Those who wait patiently for God will also be patient enough for their brothers. Sometimes when people lose hope and lose faith, they often lose faith in the people around them. However, James reminded that at that time A believer who patiently waits for the Lord will not complain too much about others.
3. The results of patience
1. A more mature life
James 1:2 My brothers, when you fall into various trials, you must Consider it a great joy;
James 1:3 For you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:4 But let perseverance also have its work, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Romans 5:3 Not only that, but he also rejoices in his tribulations. Because we know that tribulation produces patience,
Romans 5:4, patience produces experience, and experience produces hope,
Patience is the fruit of faith, and all kinds of trials that Christians experience have the grace of God. With good intentions, God will not let us suffer in vain. Job continued to endure in the tribulations, and finally he said: I heard about you before, but now I see you with my own eyes. Job surrendered completely to God, and his faith in God became more perfect through his endurance in suffering (Job 42:5).
2. Patience will succeed
James 5:7 Brothers, be patient until the Lord comes. Behold, the farmer patiently waits for the precious produce of the ground until the autumn and spring rains come.
Isaiah 35:1-10 is a beautiful picture of believers’ endurance and success. The Israelites experienced the pain of captivity and returned home, experiencing the joy of return. This is exactly what believers have been waiting for patiently on the road of faith. desired results. As Paul said, the sufferings of now are nothing compared with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus, the prophets, and many spiritual predecessors are our examples of patience. Patience is a spiritual character that needs to be continuously exercised in the Lord so that our faith can grow and our lives can continue to mature and mature.