What is Gestalt Aesthetics?

I copied and pasted these from others. Not my original answer.

But I hope I can help you.

1. In short, the point is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. (that is, the overall beauty is greater than the local beauty. The whole determines the nature of the part, and the part depends on the whole. )

2. arnheim is a representative figure of Gestalt Aesthetics, and his main contribution is to put forward isomorphism theory.

The most important contribution of Gestalt aesthetic psychology is arnheim's systematic study of aesthetic feeling. )

3. Development process:

1) was first put forward by the Austrian philosopher C. von Allen Firth (1859 ~ 1932) in his famous paper The Nature of Gestalt.

2) Gestalt, as a schools of psychology, is composed of German M. Wertheimer (1880 ~1944), W. Kohler (1887 ~1967) and K. Kaufka (/kloc-).

3) Kohler's student R arnheim (1904 ~) systematically explained the creation and appreciation of visual art with gestalt psychology theory, and formed a set of theories to explain artistic phenomena with gestalt principle, which became one of the most influential aesthetic schools of psychology in the west.

Quoted from: Art and Aesthetic Psychology —— Wu Xiaohua U2007 16879 Sociology Class 0702.

Full text:

Aesthetic psychology theory that explains art and aesthetic phenomena by using gestalt psychology principle. Gestalt is a transliteration of German, which means gestalt. This concept was first put forward by the Austrian philosopher C.von Allen Firth (1859 ~ 1932) in his famous paper The Nature of Gestalt. Gestalt, as a school of psychology, is composed of German M. Wertheimer (1880 ~1944), W. Kohler (1887 ~1967) and K. Kaufka (/kloc-0). Kohler's student R arnheim (1904 ~) systematically explained the creation and appreciation of visual art with gestalt psychology theory, and formed a set of theories to explain artistic phenomena with gestalt principle, which became one of the most influential aesthetic schools of psychology in the west.

Arnheim's systematic study of aesthetic feeling is the most important contribution of aesthetic psychology of gestalt with isomorphic structure in aesthetic feeling. Arnheim pointed out that the observation of foreign objects by eyes is actually a kind of visual judgment. Seeing a thing is to grasp or judge its overall style, which is the result of separating it from the complex background by using its innate organizational ability. And organizational activities are carried out in accordance with the inherent law of perception "simplified law". The so-called simplification law is the law that the eyes try their best to transform foreign objects into the simplest shapes when conditions permit. The reason why some similar simplified styles appear in works of art unearthed in various places, the reason why you can see movement in static styles and the reason why you can see space in plane patterns are all related to the law of perceptual simplification. All mature artists can use this inherent tendency of simplification to directly reveal the essence of things or human feelings with the simplest possible images.

Arnheim believes that the harmony, balance, movement and organic unity of artistic style are all achieved through "visual power". Visual force can not only judge the position of things in the whole field of vision, including spatial position, size position, brightness value and distance, but also regard the relationship between parts in the overall style as a kind of force action diagram. It is the function and balance of this power that makes the visual style have the characteristics of movement, balance and vitality. The function of this force is not illusion, but the psychological counterpart of the physiological electric pattern stimulated by the external pattern in the physiological electric field of the cerebral cortex.

Arnheim also pointed out that the essence of emotional expression seen by eyes when watching inanimate objects or abstract patterns is not the projection of foreign objects from the viewer's own heart unilaterally, nor is it empathy, but the psychological correspondence of physiological and electrical patterns aroused by the unique organizational structure of foreign objects. If the electrical pattern caused by something in the cerebral cortex is isomorphic or isomorphic with the physiological electrical pattern of a certain emotion itself, then the pattern of this thing looks like a unique emotional expression of human beings. Take the ellipse as an example, it is essentially a force trajectory and the result of the compromise of two forces in different directions, so it is soft and round. The pattern of physiological electricity caused by this pattern in the cerebral cortex is also soft and round, so that it is isomorphic with some gentle feelings of human beings, thus having the nature of gentle emotional expression. In this sense, expressiveness is the internal essence of external style, but it is also restricted by people's own perceptual tendency, just as color and light and shade are also restricted by perception.

Gestalt school's discussion on people's aesthetic perception from the perspective of psychology makes people have a more scientific understanding of the particularity of aesthetic activities and some concepts that are still vague, such as "perceptual knowledge", "perceptual manifestation" and "intuitive judgment". However, there are also many obvious weaknesses and mistakes, such as seldom considering social practice factors, often confusing the boundaries between animals and people, and simplifying complex things.

Tong Qingbing's literary theory class said that I didn't bring my book back at school. You can look for it.