What are the characteristics of reading aloud?

1. phonology: One of the most important features of poetry recitation is its phonology, which is also one of the important features of all recitation arts. 2. Normality: Normality is mainly manifested in reading the selected written works and the language used. The literary works selected during recitation are all standardized, and it is required to read poems in Mandarin. 3. Literariness: recitation is different from everyday speech, mainly reflected in its literariness.

The function of poetry recitation

People like to listen to poetry reading, and they also like to read some poems in person. It plays a great role in people's social life. Let's try to explain it from the following aspects.

Normative language

Poetry recitation has the function of standardizing language. The normative language mentioned here can be understood in a broad sense, including not only the standard norms of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, but also whether a person's language expression is appropriate.

(2) exchange ideas

When people are reading and enjoying reading, their hearts are knocked open, their emotions are aroused, the spark of thought is ignited in everyone's heart, and people have the desire to talk and listen. Invisible to build a bridge between people's hearts and realize the desire to exchange ideas.

(3) Purify the mind

Aesthetics has no utility. The process of reading and appreciating reading is the process of creating beauty and aesthetics. In this process, people's utilitarian hearts are driven away and their pure hearts are revealed. At the same time, the noble sentiment and elegant style contained in poetry enlighten readers and appreciators, and strong emotions will constantly impact people's hearts that have not been opened for a long time

After attending a recital, people often feel restless for a long time. Poetry recitation plays an important role in purifying people's minds.