Free verse is not a commodity sold at a reduced price. On the contrary, the so-called "freedom" only means that they have no fixed rhythm and rhythm. This kind of poetic style strengthens the meaning sound with the rhythm formed by lines of different lengths, making the language colloquial. Walt whitman (18 19 ~ 1892) is recognized as the inventor of free verse. Robert Frost, a famous poet, once said that free verse is like playing tennis without a net. The following example is selected from Whitman's poem "From the cradle of eternal shaking". Please pay attention to the strong rhythm, irregular lines, repetition and pointing in the poem:
Out of the cradle, swinging endlessly,
From the mockingbird's throat, music shuttles,
At midnight in the ninth month.
Over barren deserts and fields, over places where children leave.
Wandering in bed alone, without a hat, barefoot ...