The storm subsided: I heard the birds singing, and the hens flew up the road, clucking, clucking, clucking. The rosy clouds cut through the dark clouds and dyed the hills to the west. The countryside was as clear as water, and a stream in the valley was crystal clear. Joy trembled through every heart, noise poured into every corner, and work began again. The blacksmith opened the door and looked up at the humid sky. The hammers jingled, accompanied by excited singing. The girl picked up the bucket to drink the fragrant spring water; the farmer carried melons and fruits and set foot on one path after another, leaving behind the cry of selling day after day. The sun smiled again, saluting the highlands and the valleys with energy. The servant opens the balcony. The door of the loggia: the carriage boarded the country road again, the wheels made a slight rattling sound, and the long bells disappeared in the distance. Joy trembles through every heart. When has life ever been as sweet and gentle as it is today? When tender love fills the heart and people are willing to work hard, should they continue their past projects or try new explorations? When has sorrow faded like it does today? So indifferent? Sadness is the mother that breeds joy, and the tree of pain often bears empty fruits of happiness; pursuers of life are also afraid of the coming of death; in the long journey of pain, silent, indifferent and panicked people encounter thunder, The winds and showers buffeted with ferocity. Ah, generous nature, this is your grace, you give joy to the world. The joys of life are but intervals of pain. You generously give away troubles; sorrow spreads everywhere: miracles born of pain are such precious gains. Descendants of mankind, if you breathe a little pain, you will be happy people; if death cures all sorrow, you will be blessed people!
Lü Tong Liu Translation
"The Calm After the Storm" is the poet's representative work of pastoral poetry. At the beginning, it describes the scene when everything becomes clear and everyone is happy after the storm subsides, but then the writing changes and it is chanted that joy is only the moment and result of pain. The emotions are ups and downs, subtle and complex, and it is unique in the lyrical description of the scene. This poem is a portrayal of the poet's later thoughts and feelings.
——"Chunfeng Translation Collection" (1985.1.)
Oh, the beautiful moon! I remember a year ago, I came to this hill, full of sadness, and looked up to you again. At that time, you were hanging high on the tree over there, lighting up everything, just like you are now. But my eyes were full of tears at that time, and your face looked hazy, because my past life has been tortured, and it has not changed now, oh, my lovely moon. However, recalling the painful past events one by one and thinking about them carefully can also help me a lot. Alas, how joyful my youth must have been. At that time, I was full of longing and hope, but the process of recalling it was not long. Memories of the past are certainly sad, but the pain lasts forever!
Translated by Qian Hongjia
This lonely hill is always so kind to me, but the fence blocks my view, preventing me from seeing the farthest horizon. I sat quietly and looked out, as if I was in an infinite space, surrounded by an unearthly silence and an extremely deep tranquility. When I sit in silence for a moment, fearless and dead, when I hear the rustle of the wind among the trees, I compare that sound with the infinite silence, and then I remember eternity and the seasons of death, and The season is alive before your eyes, and its sounds. In this way, my thoughts are immersed in the infinite rhyme space, and I feel very sweet even if I am destroyed in this sea.
Translated by Qian Hongjia from "Selected Italian Poems", Shanghai Translation Publishing House (1987)