In the fifth year of Kaiyuan, Meng Haoran went to visit Dongting Lake, during which he met Zhang Xiang, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and wrote a poem for each other. The following year, Zhang said that he went to Jingzhou as the governor. Meng Haoran was both envious and depressed when he learned about it, and he didn't know when he would be introduced. After many years, Meng Haoran still failed to introduce Xuanzong. So in the fifteenth year of Kaiyuan, 38-year-old Meng Haoran decided to take the imperial examination. However, the results of the imperial examination were not satisfactory, and Meng Haoran did not achieve fame in the imperial examination.
Meng Haoran, who is very depressed about this, can only express his unhappiness by writing poems. Although the imperial examination failed, Meng Haoran did not leave Chang 'an immediately, but stayed in Chang 'an to wait for the opportunity. It was also during this period that Meng Haoran met Wang Wei, who had forgotten the New Year. Zhang said that at this time he was also working in Chang 'an, and one day he invited Meng Haoran to meet him at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, when they were talking, Tang Xuanzong happened to come. Because Zhang Zhang invited Meng Haoran privately, Meng Haoran was afraid that Zhang Zhang would be blamed by Xuanzong and quickly hid under the bed.
But Zhang finally confessed the truth to Xuanzong, so Xuanzong ordered Meng Haoran to come out to see him. Later, Xuanzong asked Meng Haoran to recite his own poems, so Meng Haoran returned to Zhongnanshan, which he had just created, to read to Xuanzong at the end of the year. But when he read it? I was expelled by a wise ruler because of my mistake? Xuanzong interrupted him loudly and said crossly. You don't want to be an official, and I haven't abandoned you. Why should you accuse me? ? The last unhappy Tang Xuanzong? Fulfill? Meng Haoran's desire to live in seclusion was overcome and he was released to Xiangyang.