Romans Chapter 8; Psalm 114

Romans Chapter 8

From Paul’s description of life in the Holy Spirit, what I learned is to live a life of obedience to the Holy Spirit. I see God bringing us all kinds of grace through His gift of the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit given by Christ, we are not condemned, we can be freed from sin, and we are cleansed within. Because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can become people of Christ, and thus we can obtain peace and eternal life. We are no longer of the world, no longer of the flesh, no longer subject to the control of the evil enemy and the power of darkness, and there is no longer death. Dominate our lives. We were originally slaves of sin, slaves of the world. We originally lived in endless toil and sorrow, and a broken spirit dried up our bones. But now, because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we have become God’s children and God’s heirs. We can freely enjoy God’s abundant love and grace. We will still suffer in this world, but with God’s presence, His grace is always sufficient for us.

I also saw the help of the Holy Spirit and learned that when we are weak, we should come before God and pray. Even when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit Himself prays for us with unspeakable groans. We are so imperfect, but God’s love always exceeds all our requests and thoughts, covering us completely.

God’s love is the love that exchanges His sacrifice for our lives. God’s love is the love that redeems our lives. God’s love surpasses everything created on earth. God’s love surpasses everything. , thank the Lord!

Psalm 114

God loves his children more than anything in the world. For the sake of His children, God uses His power to change heaven, earth, and nature. How great is God’s power, and how long, wide, high and deep God’s love for us is. Thank you Lord!

Inspirational verses:

Moreover, our weakness is helped by the Holy Spirit. We do not know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit Himself prays for us with unspeakable groans. He who searches the hearts knows the thoughts of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27)

O earth, you will tremble because you will see the face of the Lord, the God of Jacob.

(Psalm 114:7)