February: fev.
March: Mars.
April: avr.
May: May.
June: June.
July: Juliet
August: aout
September: September.
October: October.
November: November.
December: December?
Do not use commas. It's one o'clock.
Extended data:
January: janvier?
February: Favreur
March: Mars
Avril Lavigne
May: May.
June: June
July: Juliet
August: A? Ultrasonic test
September: September
October: October
November: November
December: October
Monday: Lundy
Tuesday: Carnival
Wednesday: Merck Retty
Thursday: Judy
Friday: Bendredi
Saturday: Samedi.
Sunday: Sunday
In French, the name of the month is julian calendar, which is the calendar made by Julius Caesar in ancient Rome:
January is janvier, Janus from Greek and Roman mythology, who is a double-faced god guarding the portal;
March is Mars, which originated from Greek and Roman mythology, that is, the god of war;
May is mai, Maia from Greek and Roman mythology, the oldest and most beautiful of the seven-star sisters (Pléiades), the goddess in charge of fertility;
June is juin, which comes from Junon in Greek and Roman mythology, namely Juno the Queen of Heaven.
Although the names of other months are not from fairy tales, they are also from Latin, such as:
February is févier, from the Latin februarius, which means "I purify my mind by offering sacrifices to God";
Aprilis avril, which comes from Latin April, meaning "open";
July is July, from the Latin julius, which is the month to commemorate juillet Cé sar.
August is aot, which comes from the Latin augustus, and it is the month to commemorate Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. According to the Latin etymology, Septembre, octobre, novembre and décembre are the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months respectively. Because the old Roman calendar took March as the first month of the year, after Auguste changed the calendar, the original July became September, and so on.