1, the leaves fall and autumn will leave soon. When the leaves fall, the sun will fade. When the leaves fall, snow will come soon. When the leaves fall, snow will come soon. Time to go, farewell, peace, writing, future, welcome.
2. Since Qiu Lai, the sky is high, the clouds are light, the air is fresh, the fruit is sweet, the leaves are fragrant, the cattle and sheep are fat, the fields have become paintings, and the countryside is full of beautiful scenery. This is the autumn world.
Autumn has come, and October flies on the wings of singing. Flowers are blooming with beautiful wedding images, smiling and dancing with joyful notes, and the red flag rises with the scenery of Xia Hong.
4. Lonely at the moment when there is no one, the evening breeze brings hope with the morning, so I lie on the tomb bed of sunshine numbly and quietly, taking the sunshine as the baptism of life, taking the wind as the maid of honor of death, and then curling up in my own time, so I have been having a happy rest.
I always like autumn, and I like its tepid, quiet and meticulous. The autumn wind rises, the river ripples, the yellow leaves sway one by one, the autumn rain continues, and the colorful umbrella skirts form a flowing ink painting.