People without filial piety are animals. Who said that?

This sentence was said by Wang Zhongshu, and it came from Song of Persuading Filial Piety.

The crow is still eating, and the lamb is still kneeling. It is better to be a bird and a beast than to be unfilial to one's relatives.

Crows also know how to spit out food for their parents, and lambs kneel to thank their mothers when they are nursing. If a person does not honor his parents, he is even worse than an animal!

Introduction of works

The whole poem "Song of Persuading Filial Piety" expounds the importance of "filial piety" with "filial piety is the first hundred lines, and poetry and books are difficult to remember". It first describes the mother's fatigue in giving birth to a child, and then expounds the difficulty of the father in educating the child. Then use the story of "twenty-four filial piety" to consolidate the meaning of "filial piety". Finally, I advise everyone in the world to be filial.