Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga believes that Eminescu is the father of modern Romanian and he is undoubtedly the greatest and most representative Romanian poet. .
His poems draw on a wide range of subjects, ranging from nature to love to history to social commentary. The carefree life of his early days evokes the deep nostalgia in his later works.
Eminescu's works have been translated into more than 60 languages.
The most important poems:
●Doina (Romanian folk song title)
●Lacul (Lake)
●Luceaf?rul ( Morning Star)
●Floare albastr? (Blue Flower)
●Dorin?a (Wish)
●Sara pe deal (Night on the Hill)
●O, r?mii (Oh, Linger On)
●Epigonii (Followers)
●Scrisori (Letters)
●Si dac? (whenever),
●Od? (în metru antic) (Ode (in Ancient Meter))
●Mai am un singur dor ( I still have a wish)
●Făt-Frumos din lacrimi (Prince Charming, The Tear-Begotten)
●Geniu pustiu (The wasted genius)
●Sărmanul Dionis (Poor Dionis)
●Cezara (Caesar)