There is one in the palace, which is actually a piece. Although Gangwon is famous, its virtue is gone forever. God is faithful and no disaster is harmful. It's late in the month, it's Hou Ji. Fallen is a blessing. Xiaomi Xiaomi is heavy and tender. Elect a country so that people can get enough food. There are millet, millet and rice. If you are elected, you will go to the fields, just like Yu. Hou Ji Sun, the world is king. Living in the sun, you can cut back on your business. As for the civil and military, the king's mood is the highest in the world, and it is in Mu Zhi. Yes, God is a daughter. Dunshang's trip, Duke Ke Xian. Uncle Wang said, Jian 'an II, and gave it to Lu. Second jade is Zhou's assistant.
Duke Lu ordered it to wait in the east. The mountains and rivers of tin are vassals of tutian. Sun of Duke Zhou, son of Duke Zhuang. The dragon flag is dedicated to. Six ears. During the Spring and Autumn Period, bandits solved problems and enjoyed sacrifices. Huang Huang! Grandpa Hou Ji! It is appropriate to enjoy sacrifice. There are many blessings, and the ancestors of Duke Zhou also blessed their daughters.
The taste of autumn, the balance of summer, the hardness of white. Sacrifice to the general, and you will be rewarded. The big house is full of dancing. Filial piety to Sun Youqing. You are prosperous, you live a long life, and you are hidden. Hudong, Lubang wants to taste it. No loss, no collapse, no shock, no excitement. Be friends for three years, such as the back hill and the grave.
Ride a thousand times, Zhu Mei. Two spears and a heavy bow. There are 30,000 male disciples and Yi Bei Zhu Qi. If there are too many disciples, Rong Di is fake and Jing Shu is punished, then I dare to bear it! Prosperity is flourishing, then longevity and wealth. Huangfa Taipei, order keeping and trial. You are prosperous, big and caring. For thousands of years, eyebrows don't hurt people.
Taishan Rock, Zhanyou Lubang. If there is a turtle in the election, it will be abolished. As for the waterfront, Huaiyi also comes from the same place. It's Lv Hou.
Keep it, then waste Xu Zhai. As for Haibang, Huaiyi is quite arrogant. And he went to Nanyi, so did he. Lu Hou didn't dare to promise, so if.
The heaven is pure and clean, and the eyebrows protect Lu. Live in Chang, Xu, and restore space. Lu Hou Yan Xi made his wife longevity mother. Appropriate doctors and ordinary people have countries. After eating a lot of bitterness, my hair and teeth are yellow.
Pine is pine and cypress is new. This is a breakthrough, a measure, an exploration and a ruler. There are pine holes, spacious roads and a new temple in full swing. Sisi is Confucius, talking about masters, and all people are ifs.
Translation of Truffle Biography Shi Zhi Lu Gong;
The temple is deeply closed, the hall is big, the structure is tight, and it is really quiet. Jiang Yuan, a famous virgin, is virtuous and single-minded. God gave her a special blessing, and she had no experience of pain or disaster. Pregnant with a full moon did not delay, so the ancestor Hou Ji was born. God blessed him with many blessings. There are millet, millet, beans, wheat and various Gu Mi. Cover the sky and let the people learn agronomy. Millet and millet are planted everywhere, and rice is planted everywhere. Seo Woo, who owns this fertile land in the world and inherits Dayu. The grandson of Hou Ji's descendants is our late King Wang Tai. He moved to Yang Shan and Qishan, and began to destroy the Shang Dynasty. Develop into culture and carry forward the tradition of Thai king. Accept destiny to conquer, Yin Jiao and konoha spread out the battlefield. Don't be distracted, don't make mistakes, and God will keep you lucky. Conquering the enemy's Yin-Shang army can achieve a great cause. Wang Cheng said, "Uncle, choose one of your sons, seal him in Lu, and then go there quickly. Efforts should be made to expand the site and open up the site as a secondary barrier around it.
Therefore, it was named Duke Lu and East of Ji Wang, a vassal. Give him vast mountains and rivers and treat small countries as princes. He is the grandson of the descendants of Duke Zhou and the son of Duke Zhuang. Holding the dragon flag for sacrifice, the six reins are lightly controlled in soft hands. Spring and Autumn Festival does not slack off, worship ancestors. God is brilliant and wise in heaven, and the ancestor Hou Ji is great and glorious. The red bull was enshrined in front of the throne. Please come to eat and enjoy, bringing good luck and happiness. This great ancestor, Duke Zhou, has great magic to make you enjoy happiness.
In autumn, we offer famous food, and in summer, we provide fences for cattle. The bull is white, the calf is red, and the drink offering touches Tang Qiang. Roast pig and cook broth. Fill the big room with peas. The scale of ten thousand dances is huge, and filial piety and grandchildren always have auspicious celebrations. Let you prosper and live a long and disaster-free life. The state of Lu was the leader of the princes. The mountain will not collapse without damage, and the water will not shake. Life is better than three, such as towering peaks.
Lugong Chariot 1000, with red tassels on spears and green ropes on bows, two spears and two bows against each other. There are 30,000 infantry in Lu, and their helmets are sewn with red lines. Many troops are layer by layer. I will severely punish Rong and Di, and I will severely punish Chu and Xu. No one dares to compete with me. Let you prosper and live a long life. White hair turns yellow, there are fish lines on the back, and the life span can reach the age of tai sui. Let you be healthy and strong, and let you live longer. Long live and add a thousand years, and live a long life without injury.
Mount Tai is really high and heavily guarded. Lu is a natural barrier in China. It has two mountains, Guishan and Mengshan, and its territory reaches the East Pole. The extension has been connected to the seaside princes, and Huaiyi has come to see the alliance. They all obeyed at the same speed, which was made by Lv Hou Ye Gong.
It is said that there are two mountains and two hills here, and Xu Rong's former residence has been settled. Extending to a small coastal country, we must control the people. Those barbarians in the south are obedient and convinced. No one dares to be passive to Nuo Nuo, Nuo Nuo, obedient to Lu Hou and rebellious.
God bless Duke Lu to live a long life to defend Lu. Often the two places settled down again and restored the original territory of the Duke of Zhou. Lv Hou's banquet made people happy, with both a good wife and an old mother. Only by coordinating doctors and doctors can the country keep its land. I gained a lot of benefits, my white hair turned yellow and my baby teeth came out again.
The pine trees on Culai Mountain are lush, and the cypresses on Xinfu Mountain are lush. Cut it, cut it, measure it, and save it for later use. Pine rafters are thick and big, the sleeping halls are spacious and magnificent, and the newly-built temples are radiant. This poem, written by Dr. Sisi, is long and rich in meaning, and this intention is obeyed by everyone.
Appreciation of truffle biography of Duke Lu of Shi Zhi;
This poem, based on a visit to Tang Dynasty, widely praised Gong's literary and political talents and expressed the poet's strong desire to restore Lu's status as a veteran in the early Zhou Dynasty.
The Tang Palace, the "new temple" mentioned in the poem, is the place where the ancestors lived and the important place of the country. "Zuo Zhuan Cheng Gong Er Nian": "Sacrifice is also a national event." Although there are sacrifices in all countries, in the Zhou Dynasty, which pays great attention to the etiquette system, due to the different status of the vassal States, the sacrifices in the ancestral hall are also different, so it can't be the same as the Zhou royal family, otherwise it is trespassing. However, Lu is an exception. The Book of Rites of Mingtang said: "The king became king, and regarded the Duke of Zhou as the honorable servant of the world. Because he sealed the Duke of Zhou in Qufu, with a land of 700 miles, and built a thousand chariots, he ordered the Duke of Lu to worship the Duke of Zhou with the ceremony and music of the emperor ... in the suburbs, he accompanied Hou Ji, and the ceremony of the emperor was also." This is something that Lu people are proud of. The sacrifice described in the poem refers to this matter. The first, second and third chapters of this poem describe the occurrence, development and expansion of Zhou and the establishment of Lu State. They don't simply introduce the history of the country and praise the achievements of all ancestors, but highlight the two ancestors who were sacrificed, Hou Ji and Duke Zhou, to explain the reasons for sacrificing them. As for the others mentioned in the poem, they are just foil. Hou Ji, the ancestor of Zhou people, was born in Jiangyuan, and his birth and death date is quite mythical, which is recorded in Daya Sheng Min in detail. I wrote this poem because Jiang Yuan has a correct virtue, but mainly to reflect Hou Ji's extraordinary and miracle, which is consistent with the intention of the poem Sheng Min. Hou Ji's agricultural development is a godsend, and it is also inseparable from his personal talent. The following descriptions of King Tai, King Wen and King Wu focus on destroying the business. King Tai "lived in the sun of Qi, and then really entered the Shang Dynasty", while Wen and Wen "lived in the heart of King Tai" and "did things in the Shang Dynasty" were very clear in their development clues. The poem did not mention the achievements of Duke Zhou, but (Cheng) Wang said, "Uncle, to build a son-Lu. Daqier is assisted by Shizhou. " It can be seen that Duke Zhou's contribution to statehood is enormous. "Historical Records Biography of Duke of Zhou Lu" records: "Duke of Zhou assisted the king of Wu to write a pastoral oath, broke the Yin, entered the Shang Palace and killed him. Duke Zhou took the big lot and Zhao Gong took the small lot to help the king of Wu, make trouble in the country and tell the Yin people. " Duke Zhou played an important role in destroying Yin, but he was the son and brother of King Wen. Although he was a very important minister, he could not mention it to the emperor, so the poet highlighted the achievements of Duke Zhou in a more subtle way. At the end of the third chapter, the poet wrote: "The emperor is the queen, and the emperor is the ancestor of Hou Ji." He also said: "Duke Zhou is the ancestor of the emperor." Poetry suddenly became clear. The "ancestor" of the Duke of Zhou, which Zheng Xuan considered as a "bird" and Zhu called as a "vassal", was misinformed. Ming refers to the duke of Zhou, and the text rhymes.
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Lu was the largest country among the vassal States, and its land and strength were rare among the vassal States. Therefore, when Boqin was born, he had strong martial arts. Historical Records of Duke Zhou of Lu: After he ascended the throne, Guan and Cai rebelled, and Xu Rong also rebelled. So Boqin led a division to cut it down and wrote an oath ... to bring Xu Rong and Ding Lu to peace. There are still many martial arts in the process of setting up Lu, but the records are incomplete, and things have passed, so I can only imagine. Ruling Lu, heavy, martial arts is very good. So Lu Ji is weak and bullies foreigners. When he arrived at Gong, his prestige among the princes was declining due to internal troubles and foreign invasion, and even Gong himself could only rely on the strength of Qi to return to Lu. However, after Gong ascended the throne, he did do something. In addition to resuming the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Hou Ji and the Duke of Zhou, he often attended the meetings of the governors' alliance and used troops abroad to gradually improve and restore his due prestige. According to Chunqiu Zhuan, Xi Gong spent four years meeting with Qi Hou, Song Gong, Chen Hou, Wei Hou and Zheng Bo. Xi Gong thirteen years: Hui Qi Hou, Song Gong, Chen Hou, Zheng Bo, Zaiyan, pregnant with a disease. Xi Gong sixteen years: Hui Qi Hou, Song Gong, Chen Hou, Wei Hou, Zheng Bo, Xu Nan, Xing Hou, Cao Bo Huai Yu. In the poem "Dishui", there is even the content of "making contributions in Dishui". The poet praised this and described Lu Gong's army as invincible. "Rongdi is false" refers to the fact that the northern border is safe and undisturbed, while "Jing Shu is a punishment" refers to the fact that Duke Xi cut Chu from the Duke of Qi. Under "Taishan Rock", Lu has a vast territory, and Xu Zhai and Man Qi are all obedient and aggressive. Because at this time, Lu used the most troops and achieved the greatest results, so the poet repeatedly said. Generally speaking, in the later development of Shandong, the land that was initially sealed may be lost, but it has been recovered at this time. Therefore, the poem says: "Live in the usual place and make promises, and return to the palace." Judging from the whole poem, the poet concentrated on Lu's achievements in restoring his old business from two aspects: sacrifice and military affairs, which were unified in the newly-built palace of Tang Dynasty. Sacrifice in Tang Palace is a special courtesy of the Zhou royal family to Lu, and the poet believes that Lu's success also comes from the blessing of ancestors worshipped by God. In this way, the last chapter of the poem describes the situation of being a temple, and "\"
The Book of Songs is the longest of the 300 books in the Book of Songs. The whole poem is divided into ten chapters (originally divided into eight chapters, and Zhu's poems are divided into nine chapters), three chapters and seventeen sentences, one chapter and sixteen sentences, one chapter and nine sentences, three chapters and eight sentences, two chapters and ten sentences, and one hundred and twenty sentences. Between chapters, the meanings are interrelated, poems are narrated before and after, and the whole poem ends with Si Fu. In the middle, the merits and demerits of ancestors, the worship of Nuogong to ancestors, the martial arts of Nuogong and his family members were written, and repeated congratulations on Nuogong's longevity were interspersed. Among them, six "Yun" sentence patterns are divided into three places, which makes the original majestic momentum more ups and downs, such as the wave after wave in Qian Jiangchao. Linguistically speaking, it is extremely grandiose and meticulous, and writing autumn flavor is "the product of autumn, the balance of summer." White elephants are just, and there will be sacrifices. This is a big house. "All kinds of sacrifices and containers are displayed one by one to show their grandeur. Lu wrote a brigade "car thousand times, Zhu, two spears and a heavy bow." "There are 30,000 civil servants and the number of students is still increasing." Powerful uniforms and sophisticated weapons reflect the invincible morale of the army. In addition, "Rong Di is false, Jing Shu is a punishment", "The pine of a long journey, the cypress of a new journey" and other language-intensive, neatly arranged sentences also help to increase the momentum of poetry. Fang Yurun pointed out the influence of this poem on Ci and Fu in the Han Dynasty in the Primitive Book of Songs. He said: "Changing the style of writing in poetry has nothing to do with Yang (Xiong) and Ma (Xiang Ru) in the Western Han Dynasty." This is very discerning. However, in the poem, the poet expressed the * * * voice of the descendants of the Duke of Zhou for the restoration of the past and their yearning for the glory of the past. This is the true feeling of a declining clan in a specific period. As a representative of the Lu poets, this kind of emotion expressed by the author is rich and complex, which can only be accommodated by a long and huge system, and can only be poured out by detailed description and profound argumentation. "Wen Xin Diao Long" said: "Poets write articles for love; Resign praise and create feelings for the text. " This is the essential difference with Yang and Ma's Ci Fu, but Fang didn't notice it.