A lecture on Abraham's dedication

Abraham is the central figure in Genesis of the Old Testament and the ancestor of the Hebrew nation, whose original name was Abram. My ancestral home is in Ur of the Chaldeans, where I worship idols-the moon god. When his father Tara left Ur and wanted to go to Canaan, he moved to Harlan (also an idol worship place-worship the moon god) because of poor physical strength, unsuitable climate or other reasons. Abram respected his father's leadership, but after his death, he went on to Canaan.

With his love and compassion, God called Abram, made a covenant with him, and instructed him to embark on the road of true blessing. Because of Abram's faith, God created a people who worship the only true God-Israel. In the future, the Messiah (Christ) will come to the world through this nation and become the savior of mankind. This is an extremely important step in God's redemption plan since Adam, the ancestor of mankind, committed a crime. Abram's obedience to God fulfilled God's will. So that we, who have the same faith as Abraham, can also become Abraham's spiritual descendants. Then, according to the biblical records, let's see how Abraham embarked on the road of pleasing God and set an example for us to walk in heaven today.

First, listen to God's call.

The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country, your family and your father's house and go to the land I will show you.". I will make you a great country. I will bless you and make your name great; You should also make others blessed. I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you. Abram went as the Lord commanded him. Lot also went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Harlan. ”(Gen 12: 1-4)

Abraham's dedication began when he was called. As soon as Abram heard God's call, he left Harlan with confidence and went to Canaan, the promised land of God. Since then, he has started a new life journey. Abraham's call turned a new page for the revelation of God's redemption of mankind in the Old Testament. God deliberately chose a person who is willing to know him, serve him and have great confidence as an example for those who will be blessed in the future; He established a family to study and observe the main road (see Chuang 18: 19), and from this family came a chosen nation-Israel, which was sanctified from abroad and only obeyed God's will. God promised that not only this family will be blessed, but all the families on the earth will be blessed by the descendants of Abram (Christ). Jesus Christ came into the world to save mankind, and he is also a direct descendant of Abram. Through Jesus Christ, the world can establish a proper relationship with God and get endless blessings. Abram's blessing to all people is based on his belief in God, making him a vessel after God's heart. Abraham obeyed God's call, which was the beginning of his blessing.

God called Abram twice to leave his "homeland"; Once in ur, chaldea. Father Tara left Ur of the Chaldeans for the land of Canaan with his son Abram, his grandson Lot and his daughter-in-law Abram's wife Sarai. They went to Harlan and lived there. " (Chuang 1 1:3 1) He pulled his family away from the fertile land; Where I used to live, I went to an unknown land-Canaan. This road of migration is Abram's way of worship in response to God's call. Stephen of the New Testament testified that "before Mesopotamia lived in Haran, the glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham" (Acts 7:2), and he was in Haran again; Abram is seventy-five years old. He went as God commanded. Abraham lived in a firm belief in God all his life and completely obeyed God's guidance, which became the source of his great blessings in the future.

The Covenant between God and Abraham is mainly divided into three parts:

1, the promise of building a great country: "I will make you a great country." (Gen 12:2) This sentence refers to the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob. The land that God promised to Israel is "forever", because this Covenant is "forever". God said, "I will establish my covenant with you and your descendants from generation to generation, and make an everlasting covenant to be your God and your descendants. I will give you and your descendants the place where you live now, all the land of Canaan, for an inheritance forever, and I will be their God. (Genesis 17:7-8) This is the kingdom of the Messiah, which was finally fulfilled in the church of Christ.

2. Personal commitment to Abraham: (1) Many descendants. "Make your descendants extremely numerous." (Gen 17:2) "I will bless him (Sarah, Abraham's wife) and I will also bear you a son (Isaac) from him. I will bless him, and he will be the mother of many nations; A king of the people will come out of him. " (Chuang 17: 16) (2) Blessed. "I will bless you." (Chuang 12:2) There are two kinds of blessings: temporary territorial blessing and eternal heavenly blessing. (3) pleasure. "Call your name big." (Chuang 12:2) (4) Become a medium for blessing others. "You should also make others blessed." (Chuang 12:2)

3. Promise to the Gentiles: "All the people on the earth will be blessed because of you." (Gen 12:3) This promise was fulfilled in Abraham's "son" (Christ) (see Galatians. 3: 16) and all those who were justified as Abraham's spiritual son by faith (see Luo. 4: 3; Add 3: 6-9)

Abraham's Covenant shows God's noble wisdom. He wants to realize God's redemption plan for all mankind through Abraham, arrange the birth of Christ and become the savior of all those who believe in him. Abraham's wholehearted dedication has become the foundation of the grace of all nations. His calling not only shows the blessing promised by God, but also contains a person's responsibility to God. God asked Abraham to obey him completely, commit himself to him and respect him in all things. Only in this way can we get the good luck promised by God, and what Abraham did just completely satisfied God's will. Abraham completely obeyed God and gave himself to God, so he was blessed by God's promise.