I am a descendant of the ancient emperor Gaoyang, and the person named Boyong is my late father. In the first month of the year when Tai Sui is in Yin, the day of Gengyin is my birthday. My late father saw that I had such a birthday, so he gave me a corresponding reputation. The nickname given to me is Zhengze, and the nickname given to me is Lingjun.
I have such beauty on the inside, and I am beautifully decorated on the outside. I folded the milfoil and angelica, and tied them with autumn orchids to make a garland. I was in a hurry as if I was on a journey, afraid that time would fly away from me like an arrow. In spring I climb magnolias on the mountains, and in winter I gather green algae by the water. The golden bird and the jade rabbit hurriedly refused to stay, summer and autumn took turns to replace each other. Thinking of the grass and trees being carved away all the time, I am afraid that the ideal beauty will also age prematurely. You should take advantage of your youth to improve yourself. Why don't you change your ways? I am driving a horse and am about to gallop. Come on, I will lead the way for you.
In ancient times, there were three pure kings. At that time, it was certainly a gathering place for all the beauties. Woody pepper and fungus are also often worn, and not only tadpole and cymbidium are sewn into rings. I think Tang Yao and Yu Shun are really great and bright, and they have already got the right track. But why were Xia Jie and Yin Zhou so confused? They always took shortcuts and fell down repeatedly. There is a group of confused people who live in peace, and their path is ambiguous and narrow. I am not afraid that my body will suffer. What I am afraid of is that the king's carriage will be destroyed.
I hurriedly ran in front and behind, I wanted to catch up with the footsteps of the ancient kings. You refused to examine the foolishness in my heart, but instead listened to slander and made me angry. I know that being stubborn is not something I can please, but I endure the pain and refuse to give up. I would like to ask the Nine Heavens to be my witness. I am sincerely loyal to the king and have no other intentions. At the beginning, you had made an agreement with me, but you regretted it and changed your heart. The separation between you and me is not too embarrassing. I just sigh that you are too devoid of opinions.
I have planted spring orchids in nine hectares of land, and I have planted autumn lilies in a hundred acres of garden. I once planted a field with Liuyi and Jieche, mixed with some Duheng and Fangzhi. I hope their branches and leaves will flourish, and I will harvest them when they bloom. It doesn't matter that I myself wither. What is sad is that a bunch of fragrant grass will be trampled.
Everyone is competing for food and drink, and they are greedy for money and gain, and they are completely unsatisfied. Everyone forgives themselves and is suspicious of others. Everyone is scheming and jealous of each other. Everyone is also running wildly to fight for power and gain, but those are not what I covet in my heart. What I'm afraid of is that the old age is slowly coming, and I may not be able to build up my reputation. I drink the clear dew on magnolia flowers in spring, and eat the red frost on chrysanthemum petals in autumn. As long as my spirit is healthy and strong, what's the problem if I remain sluggish and thin for a long time? I dug out the thin roots and tied them with the angelica flowers, and tied them with the fallen flowers of the lily flowers. I cut the fungus straight and then tied it with Hui Ying, and the knot became a free and unrestrained flower rope, fragrant and whirling. I am devoutly imitating the sages of ancient times, but my ring is not liked by the world. Although I am not in harmony with the people of this world, the person I want to imitate is Peng Xian of the Yin Dynasty.
I pity how hard the people's life is, and I can't help but shed tears for a long time. Although I like to make my own wreaths due to my hobby of tidying up, I make them early in the morning, but they are destroyed by others in the evening. I am not afraid that he will destroy my garland of autumn flowers, and I will continue to replace it with angelica flowers. In the end, it was my own free will, and I would not repent even if I died nine times. It is ridiculous that I resent you, Mr. Wang, because you have always refused to understand my heart. The maids around you are jealous of my beauty and spread rumors that I am a lascivious person. Of course, stupid people are good at taking tricks and do whatever they want without observing certain rules. Abandoning certain principles and just trying to accommodate, competing to please Yi and A is considered routine. I am depressed, I am restless, I feel lonely, I suffer the poverty of this life alone. Even if I am about to die and my soul is scattered, I will never conform to the customs and bow down. Eagles and falcons cannot flock together with other birds. This has been the case since ancient times. How can square and circle be compatible with each other? How can the straight and the straight be equal to each other? I humiliated my feelings and suppressed my spirit. I endured the condemnation and dealt with the shame. The loyalty to the death of an innocent person was originally praised by the saints of the previous generation.
I regretted that I was going in the wrong direction. I paused and planned to turn back, turn my carriage and horse around and head back, hoping to stop as soon as I could before I was lost. I untied the horse and let it roam freely in Langao. Let it gallop on Jiaoqiu and rest for a while. I don’t want to go forward and suffer disaster. I want to return to my hometown to repair my old clothes. I will cut the green lotus leaves into a blouse, and I will decorate the white lotus flowers into a blouse. No one knows that I will just let him obliterate it, as long as my heart is truly fragrant. The crown on my head should be made higher and higher, and the ring under my neck should be made longer and longer. Even though fragrance and dirt may be confused by others, my innocent spirit will remain intact.
I suddenly turned around and broadened my horizons, planning to go sightseeing in the southeast, northwest and northwest. My garland is uneven and interesting, and the fragrant flower scent will spread far and wide in all directions. People in the world are allowed to have their own preferences, but my habit is to focus on the hobby of cleanliness. Even if my car is broken and I refuse to change, am I still afraid of being threatened?
My female companion is caring for me diligently, and she is admonishing me sweetly and thoughtfully. She said: "Gun was too straightforward and didn't care about his life, and he was brutally killed at the foot of Yushan Mountain. "Why do you always have to be aloof and aloof, and why is it that a person has such strange clothes? Tribulus terrestris, king cucumber, and mulberry ear are in season, but you are unusual in saying that they are not fragrant. "Everyone can't be persuaded by telling everyone. Who can understand our hearts? There are groups and gangs in the world. Why are you always alone and not showing sympathy?"
I controlled my temper according to the principles of the sages, but I couldn't help but be filled with grief and anger after such an experience. After crossing the Yuanshui River and the Xiangshui River, I headed south. I walked toward Zhonghua and expressed my true feelings. "Xia Qi got Jiubian and Jiuge from the sky. He was happy and indulged in the sun. Without any far-reaching plans to prepare for a rainy day, his brother Wu Guan had internal strife with him. "Youqiong's family Hou Yi was addicted to sightseeing and good at hunting. What he liked was shooting foxes in the mountains and wild fields. Originally, the promiscuous person should have no consequences, and his prime minister Han Yun even took possession of his wife and children. "Hanzhuo's son was too domineering and overbearing. He indulged in his lust and couldn't bear it. He was so happy that he forgot about himself every day, and eventually lost his own head. "King Xia Jie has always been unkind. In the end, he fled to the South Nest and died in the wild. King Zhou turned his loyalty to meat, and the throne of the Yin Dynasty could not be maintained. "Both Shang Tang and Xia Yu were cautious and respectful. The ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty were right in their pursuit of principles and laws. In politics, they promoted wise and capable people and followed certain rules without bias. "The God who dominates everything is fair and selfless. , He will only be willing to help if he sees a virtuous person. Only saints and wise men with high virtues can make the shores of the four seas a paradise. Having examined both the former kings and the descendants, I can see that the path of life is very clear. There has never been an unjust person, so you can trust him; There has never been an unkind thing, so you can keep it in mind. "Even if I am in a desperate situation and lose my life, looking back on my original intention, I will not regret it. I never asked about the square of the hole but only asked for the right pole. This is why the ancient sages suffered." I sighed repeatedly. I cried and sobbed, pitiful that I was not born at the right time. I lifted up the soft garland and wiped away my tears from the snow. My tears rolled down my clothes and wet them.
I knelt on my clothes and feet and expressed my heartfelt feelings, and the stubbornness in my heart had been stabilized. I will use the phoenix as my chariot and the jade dragon as my horse, and I will brave the long wind and travel towards the sky. I set out from the wild fields in the early morning, and landed in the hanging garden on Kunlun Mountain at night. I want to stay in this divine area for a while, but I have no choice but to look at the sun's disc in a hurry and it's almost twilight. I asked Xi He, who was in charge of the sun, to drive the car slowly. I saw the sun was approaching and there was no need to hurry. The journey was very long and long. I wanted to go to heaven and earth to find what I wanted. like. Let my jade turtle drink from the salty pond, let my wind-riding bird rest in the fusang, and break off the tall branches to beat the sun. I will stay here for the time being, wandering freely. I want to send Yue Yuwangshu to be my vanguard, I want to send Feng Bo Feilian to be my rear guard, I want to send Tianji Luanhuang to be my advocate - Master Lei came over and told me: Nothing was prepared. I then let my phoenix spread its wings and soar, no need to stop even in the night. The floating wind gathered and rushed to be the first, leading Yun and Ni to express their welcome. We are vigorously separated and sometimes reunited, we are gloriously up or down. I asked the gate of the kingdom of heaven to open the door for me, but he leaned against the gate and just looked at me. The time is like a dim and approaching doomsday scene. I am holding on to the orchid I am wearing and cannot move. The world is so turbid and does not differentiate between the virtuous and the foolish. It always likes to obliterate people's virtues and gives rise to jealousy.
At dawn I will cross the white water again, I will climb to the top of Langfeng Mountain and tie my jade dragon to it. I suddenly turned around and shed tears. I felt pity that there was no beauty to seek in this kingdom. I arrived at the gate of heaven in an erratic way, and I broke off a qiong branch to insert my lampe. While the jade flowers on the branches have not yet fallen, I want to go down below and give them to my lovely lady. Yunshi Fenglong, I asked him to ride on the clouds and find Concubine Mi's address for me. I untied Lampe and asked Jian Xiu to woo her on my behalf. She was always vaguely willing to agree or disagree at first, but suddenly she became disobedient and refused to agree at all. When she goes home at night, she spends the night in Qiongshi. When she combs her hair in the morning, she spends the night in the pile of clouds. She only wanted to preserve her beauty and refused to be humble. She spent the whole day wandering around happily. Even though her appearance is beautiful but her etiquette is totally lacking, I want to abandon her and be cautious before making any other requests. I have viewed the four extremes and eight deserts in the sky, I have viewed it all and then returned to this lower world. I saw Jian Di, a beauty from the Wu family, who lived on a majestic Yaotai. I told Xiniao to go and be a matchmaker for me, and Xiniao told me that it was wrong for her to go. The male turtle dove is good at complaining, but I dislike him for being too talkative.
I was hesitant and doubtful in my heart, and I didn’t feel right even if I wanted to go by myself. The black bird's phoenix has given her a gift, but I'm afraid that Gao Xin's family has already surpassed me. I want to go to a distant place but I have nowhere to turn, so I am wandering around for the time being. Before Shaokang got married, there were still two Gillians from the Yu family. But since the person who proposed the marriage is not good and the matchmaker is stupid, I am afraid that this proposal will also be unstable; the world is turbid and jealous of the virtuous, and always likes to hide the good things of others and promote the bad things of others. The beauty's boudoir is deep and difficult to covet, but your wise king still refuses to wake up. I really have nothing to say to my heart. How could I bear to die like this!
I found jade grass and some thin bamboos, and asked the witch Lingfen to divine my fortune. She said: "Men, talents and women's beauty are created by nature. How can there be a true beauty without no one to love him? "Please be more tolerant and think about the vastness of Jiuzhou. Why must we only have girls here? Please try your best to move in all directions and don't hesitate. How can any pregnant woman leave you behind? "Where can there be no vanilla in the world? Why do you have to miss your hometown? This hometown is dark and hazy. Who can tell our shortcomings and shortcomings." What is the difference between people's likes and dislikes? Only those gentlemen They are particularly outstanding. They all took some wild wormwood and wore it around their waists, but they wanted to say that the fragrant orchid was not to be worn. "You can't even tell the quality of plants and trees, how can you tell the difference between beautiful jade and jade? You fill your tassel with dung, but you want to say that the real fruit of Shenjiao is not fragrant at all."
I plan to listen to this spiritual Jizhan. I hesitate in my heart but can't decide. I heard that Wu Xian was going to descend to earth in the evening, so I waited for his arrival with the scent of pepper and polished rice. Hundreds of gods descended from the sky in ethereal form, and the goddesses of Jiuyi went to welcome Ning in all their glory. Shining brightly with infinite aura, Wu Xian told me some good words. He said: "You should strive to travel far and wide to pursue like-minded comrades. Shang Tang and Xia Yu both prayed for virtuous ministers devoutly, and Yi Yin and Gaotao met the emperor and ministers. "As long as you own Intentions are so easy to cultivate, so why does someone have to be the mediator? Fu Yue was a servant, he had built in Fu Yanban, Wu Ding used him without any grudge. "Lu Wang used a butcher knife in the market of Chao Ge. When he met King Wen of Zhou, he made him his master. Ning Qi cut off the horns while grazing cattle and composed Shang Ge. When he met Duke Huan of Qi, he hired him as a doctor. "We must take advantage of the opportunity. While this age has not yet reached its twilight, and this season has not yet become depressed, I am afraid that as soon as I hear the call of the shrike, all the flowers and grass will be fragrant.
"It's so beautiful. Your garland of golden branches makes people confused and refuse to value it. Those gentlemen are completely untrustworthy, and they are afraid that they will come and destroy it out of jealousy." There are so many changes, so how can I stay here longer? The orchids and dahuricas have lost their fragrance, and the sunflowers and cypresses have turned into yarrow. Why have these herbs in the past turned into wild grass and wormwood today? Is there any other reason for this? Just because they don’t want to love themselves! I thought orchid was originally extremely reliable, but who knew that it was only an illusion! Abandoning its own beauty and following the popular custom, it really insults ordinary vanilla! Pepper, he is dedicated to flattering and exaggerating. Originally a dogwood, he also wants to enrich the sachet. Since he no longer values ??himself and strives to be lucky, even if there is still some fragrance, what is there to treasure? What the world likes is to go with the flow, but who can keep it from changing? Seeing that Jiao and Lan had become like this, there was no need for Jie Che and Jiang Li to say anything. Only the garland I wear is most precious, The beauty is despised and met with sorrow; The fragrance of the flower is strong and difficult to die, and the fragrance of the flower has not faded to this day. Maintaining a conciliatory attitude to entertain myself, I wandered around in search of beautiful women. While this ring of mine is still very fragrant, I will seek it everywhere in the world.
Lingfen has told me Xie Ji’s divination, and I have chosen a good date to go far away. I broke off the twigs of the Qiong tree to make my street vegetables, and ground the fine shavings of the jade to make my dry food. Mount me on a swift eight-foot-tall dragon horse, Decorate my chariot with jade and ivory. How can people who are estranged from one's moral principles find a way to join the flow? I want to wander far away and live in isolation. I turned my path towards Kunlun, leaving my hometown for a journey to the end of the world. The banner with high clouds and neon lights shone brightly in the sun, shaking the jade bells and music. I set off from Tianhan's ferry in the early morning, and reached the western edge in the evening. The phoenixes fly around my banner in colorful colors, flying high and majestic. Suddenly I reached the quicksand of the West Pole. I slowly leaned along the Chishui River. I used the dragon under my command to build a bridge for me and called on Bai Di to help me cross the river quickly. The road was long and very bumpy, so I had to ask other cars to wait by the roadside. The road goes around Buzhou Mountain and then turns left. I will never come back until I reach the West Sea. There are more than a thousand of my chariots gathered together, with jade wheels running in parallel. Each rides eight horses as strong as a dragon, carrying flags with clouds that move with the wind. I restrained my ambitions and walked slowly, letting my super spirit gallop in the tranquility. Play Xia Qi's "Nine Songs" and dance "Nine Shaos", and temporarily take advantage of the sunlight to have fun. While rising in the radiance of the emperor's sky, I suddenly saw the old hill in the lower realm again.
My charioteer became sad, and the horse also began to fall in love with the stack. It just lowered its head and looked back, unwilling to go any further.
(End) Forget it! No one in the country understands me, so why should I miss my hometown? In ideal politics, there is no one to negotiate with. I want to die and follow Peng Xian of the Yin Dynasty.