Nowadays, when writing an article, many people say that the subject matter is not limited, except poetry, which is why they don't understand it very well.

Good prose is good prose. A good novel is also a good novel

However, the style of poetry is quite special, and there is no unified standard for good or bad. What is a good poem is controversial.

Second, poetry is written with branches. The test paper may be full in a few lines, but the number of words is far from 80.

In addition, I think the examination of poetry will greatly affect the free play of poetry.

Besides, poetry nowadays is very dirty. The average student's poetry circle also despises poets.

I remember a friend once said that if you write a poem and make a mark, even the teacher may not understand it. How to grade you?

This is my opinion, and friends should discuss it more. thank you

I find poetry difficult to write. It can be copied.