This afternoon, all our classmates were sitting in the lecture hall in neat clothes. President Wang is here, and so are many parents. They are judges. How magnificent!
The recitation began. First of all, the group match, the first group, followed by the second group, everyone worked hard. Finally, it's our turn to the fifth group. Luo Haoze and I represented our group. The poem we recited was Ode to Ancestors. Ten groups finished reciting, but our group didn't get the ranking. After listening to President Wang's comments, I think our shortcoming must be lack of feelings, but we just want to speak louder. In the individual competition, it was really useful, and finally I won the third prize. How happy I am!
I think this patriotic poetry reading is very meaningful. President Wang also praised us and said, "This is a good idea, which not only expresses our patriotism, but also exercises our reading level.