Seeking noun explanation: encyclopedia


An encyclopedia is a written summary of all or a certain kind of knowledge accumulated by human beings in the past.

An encyclopedia usually refers to a large set of books. This word originated from the western Greek ε γ κ? κλιο? (Latin alphabet: enkyklios) and π α ι δ ε? α (Pattaya). Enkyklios means "cyclical, periodic and ordinary", and paideia means "education". Literally speaking, general education is the art and scientific knowledge that a person who wants to receive general education should learn. In the process of copying, it was misinterpreted as a new Latin word "encyclopaedia" and then entered English, which was first recorded in 153 1. In the new Latin, this word was chosen as the title of a reference book covering all subjects. It first appeared in Britain in 1644.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the largest encyclopedia in the world is Yongle Dadian.

The definition of China Encyclopedia of Press and Publication is: "A reference book that briefly introduces various kinds of human knowledge or a certain kind of knowledge. Used to check the required knowledge and factual information. But it also has the function of expanding readers' knowledge horizons and helping the system to seek knowledge. It is a symbol of the scientific and cultural development of a country and an era. "

The definition of a concise social science dictionary is "a large reference book arranged in the form of a dictionary and systematically summarizing all aspects or aspects of human knowledge." It is divided into two categories: comprehensive category and professional category. A comprehensive encyclopedia, collecting nouns, idioms, place names, events, people, works, etc. In all fields of knowledge, it is a treasure house of knowledge. But it does not include words, so it is different from Chinese dictionaries. "

Encyclopedia can be comprehensive, including related contents in various fields (for example, Encyclopedia Britannica is a famous comprehensive encyclopedia). It can also be a special encyclopedia (such as an encyclopedia of medicine or philosophy). There are also some encyclopedias that discuss a wide range of topics from the perspective of a specific culture or country, such as the Soviet Union Encyclopedia.


Aristotle, an ancient Greek scholar, once wrote a lecture about knowledge at that time, which was regarded as the "father of encyclopedia" by the west. Erya, written by junior middle school students in Han Dynasty, is the origin of China's encyclopedic works.

China's ancient books are an encyclopedic compilation of materials. Some scholars believe that China's Yongle Dadian in the Ming Dynasty is the earliest encyclopedia close to modern significance.

China's encyclopedia was introduced from the west in the early 20th century. Li Yuying, a famous scholar in the Republic of China, first studied western encyclopedias and introduced this style to China, which had a wide influence. As for the name of the encyclopedia, he said in "Examples of World Famous Works": "Forty years ago, Yu Shou translated the encyclopedia into an encyclopedia, and later China changed it into an encyclopedia because of the influence of the naming of Sikuquanshu. In the past two centuries, there have been many encyclopedias of specialized subjects, including the Chinese Encyclopedia of China Literature. Although a subject in a literary encyclopedia can be analyzed into many subjects, it is not appropriate to use the word' encyclopedia' under the name of a subject. Moreover, the word "complete book" is easily confused with the complete book of Sikuquanshu in Chinese, which does not mean that it is another book, so it was later translated into Xue Dian. " Xue Dian ",that is, Latin" encyclopedia "(slightly similar to English and French), means" including what is said ". In the future, every book that shows the knowledge world and is arranged in dictionary order, including all academics, will use this word to form the title, so this word has become one of the books. "

Early encyclopedic works

The encyclopedic works of Diderot and others are not uncommon in human history, but it was not until16th century that the word "encyclopedia" began to appear in the west. The first person who used "Encyclopedia" as the title was a German named Paul Scarici.

Many ancient writers (such as Aristotle) tried to comprehensively record all human knowledge. However, Jon Harris thinks he is the first person to create an encyclopedia in the modern sense. Encyclopedia Britannica was simple at first: only three volumes were published from 1768 to 177 1. Perhaps the most famous early encyclopedia is the French encyclopedia Dictionary of Science, Art and Technology, which was co-authored by Da Lambert and Diderot and completed in 1772. It has 28 volumes, 7 1, 8 18 entries and 2885 illustrations.

Stylistic rules and layout

In ancient times, books similar to encyclopedias could be edited by one person. But in modern times, due to the explosion of knowledge, it is impossible for one person or several people to complete the compilation of a large encyclopedia. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a style and determine the compilation standards to solve the contradictions among many compilers. (Wikipedia also has its own compilation guidelines. Please refer to Wikipedia: Tools. )

The style of an encyclopedia includes many aspects. Including project name design, project writing outline, author's writing format, drawing requirements, foreign language writing and translation rules, book format, etc. Among them, the Encyclopedia of the Soviet Union is the most detailed encyclopedia in existence, and its third edition is thorough and detailed, with a total of 200,000 words converted into Chinese characters. For example, diseases, pathology, treatment methods, drugs, medicines, medical devices, health resorts, medical machinery, medical professions, etc.

The difference between encyclopedias and other reference books

Encyclopedias are different from other reference books such as dictionaries. Dictionaries and so on. Used to explain terms, while encyclopedias are used to introduce the knowledge of terms. Therefore, encyclopedias use images more than other reference books to assist the introduction of knowledge. Moreover, encyclopedias explain items in more detail than other reference books, and often need to be divided into many subheadings.

Types of encyclopedias

Encyclopedia (more than 20 volumes)


encyclopaedic dictionary

Comprehensive encyclopedia: mainly for non-professional readers

Professional encyclopedia

Arrangement pattern

Most modern western encyclopedias are arranged alphabetically. If we pay attention to the retrieval function, we generally adopt the idea of compiling small items. Pay attention to the educational function of encyclopedias, and adopt the way of big entries. There are four ways of revision: republishing, supplementing, publishing yearbook and continuous revision.

Some common arrangements in encyclopedias:


Classified arrangement

Category arrangement, items are arranged alphabetically.

Encyclopedia entry

Entries in an encyclopedia include titles, texts, charts, etc. In the compilation of encyclopedias, the naming of entries is very important. Good naming should be easy to search. Some scholars believe that items should be independent topics and should be based on the principle of facilitating readers' retrieval. In addition, the theme of the entries should be objectively formed, not artificially drawn up. For example, the Gulf War is an objective fact, and the "dog myth" is a man-made theme.

The name of the project should be clear and definite. For example, it is difficult to define "new" weapons.

There are some general principles for the selection of encyclopedia entries:

Principle of subject independence: the subject should be relatively independent, just like when we go to a company to do things, the first thing that comes to mind is the name and address of the company, not a certain department.

Principle of objective formation: This theme should be objectively formed and understood by people in the process of understanding and transforming the world, not artificially drawn up. For example, the myth of creation is an objective type of myth theme, but the myth of dogs is an artificially generalized theme. Therefore, it lacks recognized norms and certainty.

Single theme principle: If time and space are two themes, they should be separated.

Principle of accuracy: the project name should accurately indicate the project theme.

Principle of universality: Standard or conventional names should be used.

Nominal principle: the name of the project should be nominal and static. For example, "Liberation of Hainan Island" should be changed to "Battle of Hainan Island"

Principle of brevity: Don't use Tang poetry if you use it.

Non-research principle: encyclopedias are not research papers

Non-application principle: encyclopedias are not intended to guide specific applications.

(Note: Reference 2 is the main reference for the above contents)

The classification structure of encyclopedia and its constantly updated function make it very suitable for online or offline computer format. In recent years, most major encyclopedias have been digitized to varying degrees. Publications based on magnetic disks (especially optical disks) have the advantages of portability and low cost. At the same time, electronic encyclopedia can also contain various multimedia formats that traditional media cannot carry, such as animation, audio-visual or video. Dynamic linking between articles with related concepts is also an important advantage. Online encyclopedias have dynamic advantages: new information can be presented almost immediately without waiting for the next publication.

See also Wikipedia, Baidu Encyclopedia.

At present, the common online encyclopedias are as follows.

Name and address


Encyclopedia Britannica of

Encyclopedia of China/

Knowledge online/

Chinese Wikipedia

English: Encyclopedia