Someone got a piece of Baoyu and asked someone to identify it and gave it to Zi Han. Zi Han refused to accept it, saying, "You value gems, but I value greed. If I accept your jade, then we all lose our treasure.
Why don't we each have our own baby? When Yang Zhen refused gold in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yang Zhen passed by Changyi on his way to his post, and Wang Mishan, the magistrate of Changyi County, paid a visit and presented gold 10 Jin. Yang Zhen said, "An old friend knows a gentleman, but you don't know an old friend. Why? Wang Mi didn't know that Poplar really blamed him and said, "It's getting dark, and no one knows. "
Yang Zhen said, "God knows, God knows, you know, I know, what is ignorance?" Realizing this, Wang Mi felt very ashamed and went away disgruntled. ? In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a man named Liu Chong was appointed as the prefect of Huiji. He reformed graft and abolished exorbitant taxes, which made the lawsuit very clean.
Later, he was transferred to the post of master craftsman by the imperial court. Before he left, the local people took the initiative to collect money for Liu Chong, who was about to leave, but Liu Chong was not affected. Later, it was really hard to refuse, so I took a copper coin from it and accepted it symbolically.
Because of this, he is called "one dollar is too safe"? Tao Kan, a famous minister in Jin Dynasty, was a collector in Xunyang County when he was young. Once, he sent someone to send a can of fish with Chinese sauerkraut to his mother.
After his mother Zhan received it, she returned it to him intact and wrote to him: "As a county official, it is not good for you to give it to me with public property, but it increases my worries." Tao Kan was deeply educated in this matter.
? Wu Yinzhi is not afraid to drink greedy spring water. Wu Yinzhi, a native of A Jin, was appointed as the magistrate of Guangzhou. Outside Guangzhou, he saw a pool of spring water called "Chanquan". According to local legend, if you drink from the fountain of greed, you will become greedy.
He believed it and drank it correctly. After drinking, he wrote a poem: "The ancients were pregnant with a thousand. It is not easy to try to get Qi Yi to drink. "
During his tenure, he was honest and self-disciplined and adhered to his own integrity. ? Zhang Jun, the minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, was born in a poor family. Because of his disagreement with the traitor Qin Gui, he was exiled to Lingling, Hunan Province as an official.
He took several boxes of books with him when he set out. Someone falsely accused him of having something to do with the disorderly party. As a result, Emperor Gaozong examined letters and worn-out clothes. The emperor sighed, "I didn't expect Zhang Jun to be so poor!" I felt sorry for him, so I sent someone to catch up with Zhang Jun on a fast horse and gave him 320 gold. ? Yu Qian, a well-known official in the Ming Dynasty, had clean hands and was honest.
On one occasion, the court sent him to Henan to inspect. When he returned to Beijing, people bought some local specialties such as silk handkerchief, mushrooms and incense sticks, which were expensive to send back to Beijing, but he refused to accept them.
At the same time, he also wrote a poem to show his heart: Sipa mushroom, fragrant and harmful to the people. The wind blows the sleeves to the sky, so as not to talk short. "
? .
2. Write a poem with me in good faith. Honesty accompanies me to write a poem: Honesty accompanies me.
Since ancient times, the land of China has been awe-inspiring. Honesty is the "soul" and spiritual strength of the Chinese nation. Inheriting tradition, promoting righteousness, praising honesty and rejecting corruption are the characteristics of the times and the strong voice of the times.
Society needs honesty, and people call for honesty. Throughout the ages, many honest and pragmatic officials have been loved by the people, their images have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and their stories have been sung for a long time. The stories of a generation of honest officials, such as Bao Gong, Yu Lian and Hai Rui, have been shown on the screen for a long time, while the deeds of contemporary people's public servants, such as Kong Fansen, Niu Yuru and Ren Changxia, are even more shocking and washing people's hearts. They are immortal monuments in the hearts of the people. No matter how the history changes, no matter how the times develop, honesty will always be the call of the power era, and diligence and honesty will always be the warmest expectation in people's hearts.
3. Clean handwritten newspaper materials, simple and urgent 1, overview
Pinyin: Lián Jie explains: Never support yourself with public funds (not corrupt): ~ Fenggong/Zheng Gang ~ Meaning origin: refers to incorruptibility; Naive (1) "Chu Ci evokes the soul": "I am young and sincere", Wang Yi notes: "I am clean but not sincere." (2) Han Gong Yuchuan: "Yu also said that filial piety is expensive and honest, and greed is expensive and honest."
2. Basic explanation
1. [Honesty; Honesty; Purity] 2. Innocent and noble, honest and upright. 3. Women are virtuous and virtuous.
Step 3 explain in detail
It is also commonly known as "good quality and low price". It shows that you are not greedy for money or goods, and you are innocent. Integrity is not greedy for ill-gotten gains; Cleanliness is whiteness, which means an open and aboveboard attitude towards life; To be clear, honesty means having honest behavior and an aboveboard attitude. Integrity: do not harm the public interest; Not corrupt. Etymologically, the word "honesty" is interpreted as "fairness and non-corruption". There is a saying in Wang Chong's Lun Heng in the Han Dynasty that "the minister who made up the case in the past looked at the innocent person". Cihai is interpreted as "clean and innocent". Qu Yuan's "Songs of the South" contains a poem of "uniting the young and being clean". Wang Yi commented that it was "not cheap and not clean". During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Lujiang was a satrap and had his own brilliant ideas about political integrity. He hung the fresh fish bribed by his subordinates under the eaves of the lobby and dried it in a few days. Then someone gave him fresh fish. He pointed to the dried fish and said to the visitor, "Do you still want me to hang the fish?" The fish delivery man had to leave angrily. Yu Qian of the Ming Dynasty appreciated the persistence of sheep, refused to corrode and never touched them. He wrote a poem praising: "It is better to have no guests in front of Xisheng than to hang fish under the kitchen. The breeze sleeps in the south window and reads some books at the bedside. " "Chu Ci Evocation": "I am young and clean, and I am loyal and righteous." Wang Yi's Note: "Dishonesty is cheap." "Han Gong Yuchuan": "When it comes to filial piety to Emperor Wen, it is expensive and inexpensive, greedy but not corrupt." Tang Cui and Qin Ling's "Teaching Ji Fang": "The husband is sincere, but the road is few; What is the ugliness of arrogance and lewdness, and those who are trapped? " "The Biography of Prince Depei in the Qing Dynasty": "Depei has served as a border guard for many times, and he is honest and clean. He never took anything, accumulated a lot of money, and ended up with an old capital. " (1) Introduction History has proved that when honesty and integrity prevail, the country will prosper; When corruption is rampant, the country will decline. Honest officials have always been praised; Corrupt officials are reviled. We should vigorously carry forward the traditional virtues of honesty and integrity inherent in the Chinese nation and advocate the spirit of honesty, self-discipline, selflessness, selfishness and innocence. (2) Facts and arguments: sheep continue to hang fish.
4. Honest handwritten newspaper content and materials are eight honors and eight disgraces. They are proud of loving the motherland, endangering the motherland and serving the people, advocating science, being ignorant, working hard, enjoying leisure and being tired of work, uniting and helping each other, harming others and benefiting themselves, being honest and trustworthy, abiding by the law, breaking the law and discipline, working hard, being arrogant and extravagant. Clean government story: During the Spring and Autumn Period, the cities in Song Dynasty were not clean and honest.
Someone got a piece of Baoyu and asked someone to identify it and gave it to Zi Han. Zi Han refused to accept it, saying, "You value gems, but I value greed. If I accept your jade, then we all lose our treasure.
Why don't we each have our own baby? When Yang Zhen refused Jin Donghan, Yang Zhen passed Changyi on his way to his post, and Wang Mishan, the magistrate of Changyi County, came to visit him and gave him 10 Jin of gold. Yang Zhen said, "An old friend knows a gentleman, but you don't know an old friend. Why? Wang Mi didn't know that Poplar really blamed him and said, "It's getting dark, and no one knows. "
Yang Zhen said, "God knows, God knows, you know, I know, what is ignorance?" Realizing this, Wang Mi felt very ashamed and went away disgruntled. ? In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a man named Liu Chong was appointed as the prefect of Huiji. He reformed graft and abolished exorbitant taxes, which made the lawsuit very clean.
Later, he was transferred to the post of master craftsman by the imperial court. Before he left, the local people took the initiative to collect money for Liu Chong, who was about to leave, but Liu Chong was not affected. Later, it was really hard to refuse, so I took a copper coin from it and accepted it symbolically.
Because of this, he is called "one dollar is too safe"? Tao Kan, a famous minister in Jin Dynasty, was a collector in Xunyang County when he was young. Once, he sent someone to send a can of fish with Chinese sauerkraut to his mother.
After receiving it, his mother Zhan returned it to him intact and wrote to him, saying, "As a county official, giving me public goods is not only useless, but also increases my worries." Tao Kan was deeply educated in this matter.
Wu Yinzhi is not afraid to drink greedy spring water. Wu Yinzhi, a native of A Jin, was appointed as the magistrate of Guangzhou. Outside Guangzhou, he saw a pool of spring water called "Chanquan". According to local legend, if you drink from the fountain of greed, you will become greedy.
He believed these things and drank them correctly. After drinking, I also wrote a poem: "The ancients said that this water is pregnant with a thousand. It is not easy to try to get Qi Yi to drink. "
During his tenure, he was honest and self-disciplined and adhered to his own integrity. ? Zhang Jun, the minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, was born in a poor family. Because of his disagreement with the traitor Qin Gui, he was exiled to Lingling, Hunan Province as an official.
He took several boxes of books with him when he set out. Someone falsely accused him of having something to do with the disorderly party. As a result, Emperor Gaozong examined letters and worn-out clothes. Gaozong sighed: "I didn't expect Zhang Jun to be so poor!" I felt sorry for him, so I sent someone to catch up with Zhang Jun on a fast horse and gave him 320 gold. ? Yu Qian, a well-known official in the Ming Dynasty, had clean hands and was honest.
On one occasion, the court sent him to Henan to inspect. When he returned to Beijing, people bought some local specialties such as silk handkerchief, mushrooms and incense sticks, which were expensive to send back to Beijing, but he refused to accept them.
At the same time, I also wrote a poem to show my mind: Spaghetti mushroom and thread incense harm the people. The wind blows the sleeves to the sky, so as not to talk short. "
5. On Bao Zheng's ancient poem Tijunzhai Pen.
Pure heart is the foundation, and the right path is the plan.
Show dry eventually becomes a building, fine steel don't make a hook.
The warehouse is full of mice and birds, and the grass is full of rabbits and foxes.
There is a legacy in history, so don't be ashamed.
The first four sentences are positive, saying that if an official wants to be a great talent, he must be honest and clean. "Good steel is used on the blade." Five or six sentences criticize and condemn greed. Last warning: Don't leave a laughing stock of Du for future generations. The whole article is a discussion, vigorous and awe-inspiring to read. This poem can be regarded as Bao Zheng's expressing ambition poem, which is engraved on the Zhai wall of the magistrate of a county, also to encourage subordinates.
Extended data
Allusions about honesty:
【 No feeding 】 (Qing) Zhang Quan
"A grain, my name; Every cent is the essence of the people. One point wider, one more point for the people; Take a penny, I'm worthless. Who knows that the usual communication, shame really hurts; If it is not ill-gotten gains, where does this come from? "
"One grain" is small, but it involves my honor; Although "a dime a dime" is small, it is the essence of the people. If you are lenient to the people, the people will be more blessed.
Ask the people for another penny, and I will be worthless. Although communication is human nature, it is shameful to come from an unclean route. Because if it is not ill-gotten gains, where do these gifts come from? So no feeding.
Baidu encyclopedia right-no feed
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