How to know God's eternal love?

Everything in the universe and the revelation of the Bible show God's love. Our heavenly father is the source of life, wisdom and happiness. Please look at the wonderful and beautiful things in nature, and how they are incredibly adapted to the needs and happiness of the world and all animals. The sunshine of the universe, the rain and dew that moistens the earth, the rivers and seas, and the mountains and plains all show the love of the creator. Everything living things need every day is provided by the Creator, just as the poet said, "All the people look to you, and you give them food at any time. Open your hand and let all living people get what they want. " (Ps。 145: 15, 16) The man created by God is holy and joyful. When the earth was created, it was also perfect, with no signs of decline or disaster. Only when people violate the law of God's love will disaster and death come to the world. Even in the hardship caused by sin, God's love is still obvious. According to records, God cursed this land because human beings have committed crimes. (See Gen. 3: 17) Thorns and thistles are all kinds of hardships and trials that make life troublesome, just for the benefit of people. This is an essential training set by God to save people from the corruption caused by sin.

Although the world is dead, it is not entirely sad; There is still good news of hope and comfort in the scene of everything. Flowers can still bloom on thorns, and roses grow on thorns. "God is love", this sentence is written on every budding flower and every growing grass. Birds singing softly, flowers smelling sweet and fragrant, and all kinds of vibrant trees in the forest all show God's kindness, which shows that he loves his sons as a loving father and deliberately seeks happiness for them.

God's Bible shows his holiness; God himself claims to be a god with great love and compassion. Once, Moses prayed, "Please show me your glory." The Lord replied, "I will show all my lovingkindness and pass by before you." (Exodus 33: 18, 19) "The Lord declared before him that the Lord God is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to get angry, full of love and honesty; Save the love of millions of people and forgive sins, transgressions and sins. " (Exodus 34:6, 7) "Anger is slow, but it is abundant in love." "Never be angry, love kindness." (Take 4: 2; Mic 7: 18) This is the glory of God. God connects our hearts with him with countless gifts between heaven and earth; And show yourself to us through everything and the closest relationship that people can understand.

However, all this can't fully show God's love. Unfortunately, although the Lord shows a lot of evidence of love, people's hearts are still confused by evil people. They are afraid of God and think that he is a cruel and heartless God. Satan makes people feel that there is only justice and severity in God's holiness, just like a ruthless judge and a ruthless creditor. He described the Creator as a person who observes human beings with jealous eyes, with the aim of discovering people's shortcomings in order to punish them. In order to get rid of this shadow, Jesus came down to live with people and showed the world God's infinite love.

The Son of God came from heaven to reveal to the Father. As the scripture says, "No one has ever seen God, only his only son in the father's arms has shown him." (about 1: 18) "No one knows the father except the son and what the son wants to show." (Matt. 1 1:27) One of Jesus' disciples once said, "Please show us the Father." Jesus replied, "Philip, I have been with you for so long, don't you know me? When people see me, they see my father. How can you say that you will show us your father? " (John14: 8,9) Jesus once described his mission in this world, saying that the Lord "anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He sent me to report that the captives will be released, the blind will see, and therefore the oppressed will be released. " (Luke 4: 18) This is his job. He ran around doing good deeds and healing all those who were suppressed by the devil. In some villages and towns, because Jesus passed by, there was no groan at home, and all the patients were treated by him. His work is evidence that he was anointed with holy oil. His every move shows kindness, sympathy and pity. He has love for mankind. He became a human being to cope with the lack of human beings. Although extremely poor, he is not afraid to approach him; Even children are happy to sit on his lap and stare at his loving face.

Jesus didn't hide a word of truth, but he said it with love. He is very alert, cautious and considerate in dealing with people, always showing sympathy and thoughtfulness, without any reckless behavior. He will never say harsh words for no reason, never cause unnecessary pain to sensitive people, and never criticize people's weakness. What he said is true, but he said it with love. He pretends to be good and doesn't believe in unjust behavior, but every time he is so harsh, his voice often contains grief. Jesus is the road, truth and life, and Jerusalem is the city he loves. Because the residents did not accept him, he mourned and wept for Jerusalem. People rejected him and didn't believe that he was the savior, but he still sympathized with them. His life is self-sacrificing and self-serving. In his eyes, every creature is precious. Although he has divine authority, he still treats every God's people with great humility and respect. In his view, everyone is the dying person he is responsible for saving.

The above is the character displayed by Christ in his life. This character is also the character of God. The divine love revealed by Christ comes from the heart of the father and benefits others. Jesus, the Savior of Love and Compassion, is "God in the flesh." (Tim. 3: 16) In order to save us, Jesus was born and suffered to death. He became a "suffering" person, so that we can share eternal joy. God let his beloved son, full of grace and truth, leave the unspeakable glory in heaven and go down to a world corrupted by sin, covered by death and curse; Let him leave the embrace of the father and the worship of angels, and instead endure humiliation and ridicule, contempt, disgust, and even death. As the scripture says, "We are at peace because of his punishment and healed because of his whipping." (Is 53:5) Look at him in the wilderness, in the garden of Gethsemane, on the cross. God's pure son came to bear the burden of sin. He is with God, but when he is burdened by sin, he really feels the horror that sin separates God from man. This feeling made him cry out in sadness and despair: "My God, my God, why did you abandon me?" (Matt. 27:46) Because he felt that the burden of sin was heavy and terrible, and his soul had been separated from God because of sin, the son of God was heartbroken.

But Christ made this great sacrifice, not because he wanted to touch the Father to show his love or his willingness to save others. The Bible says, "God loves the world so much that he even gave his only son to them." (John 3: 16) the heavenly father loves us not because of the great ransom; Because you love us, you have prepared a large ransom for us. Christ is the medium through which God injects infinite love into the fallen world. "God in Christ reconciled the world to himself" (2 Cor. 5: 19). Father and his son suffer together. In the mourning of Gethsemane Garden and the tragic death of Golgotha, the loving Lord personally paid a heavy price for our atonement.

Jesus said, "My father loves me because I laid down my life to get it back." (about 10: 17)

In other words, my father loves you even more because I gave my life to save you. Because I am your body double and pledge, I gave up my life and took on your sins and debts, so I am more favored by my father. Because of my sacrifice, God is justified, and so are those who believe in Jesus.

No one can save us except the Son of God, because only Jesus in the father's arms can appear to the father. Only he knows how long and profound the Father's love is, and only he can show it. Therefore, there is no other way to show how much God loves sinners except for the vast and boundless sacrifices made by Christ instead of sinners.

"God loves the world so much that he even gave his only son to them." He not only sent Christ to live on the earth, to bear their sins, to become a sacrifice to the world and to die for them, but also handed him over to fallen human beings. Christ is in the position of man, and is linked with his interests and needs. He was originally one with God, but he also became a man and connected with others in an unbreakable relationship. He is "not ashamed to call them brothers." (Hebrews 2: 1 1) He is our sacrifice, our mediator, and our eldest brother. He stands in front of his father in our human form and will be integrated with the mankind he redeemed in eternal years, because he is the son of man! All this is nothing more than to release people from the corruption of sin, so that people can reflect God's great love and share holy joy.

The heavy price paid by Jesus to save us, and the sacrifice made by the heavenly father to bring his only son into the world to lay down his life for us should be enough to improve our concept of ourselves and let us know how far people can rely on Christ. Yohanna was inspired by God. When he saw that the heavenly father's love for the bereaved was so profound and generous, he was full of reverence and praise. He can't even describe how great and kind this love is in words, but he arouses people's attention to it. He said, "Look, what love the Father has given us so that we can be called children of God!" " (about 3: 1)

What a great value this has given people! Man becomes a slave to Satan because he has sinned; But because they believed in Christ's atonement sacrifice, Adam's children had to become the sons of God. Because Christ took humanity, he surpassed human beings, so all fallen people, as long as they have contact with Christ, are worthy of being called the sons of God.

Such great love is really unparalleled. What a precious promise to be the children of the king in heaven! What a great event worthy of our deep thought! The world doesn't love God, but God loves the world with incomparable love! This kind of thought has the wonderful effect of conquering people's hearts and making people's thoughts obey God's will. The more we meditate on God's sacred character under the cross, the more we can see that God's kindness, compassion and forgiveness reconcile fairness, integrity and kindness. The more you can see infinite evidence that his infinite love for sinners is far better than his loving mother's love for his wandering prodigal son.