The Tang poem "Golden Dress" advises you not to cherish golden dress, and to cherish youth. When the flowers should be folded, we should fold them quickly, and don't wait for the flowers to wither before folding one.
Cherish the time you have.
Flowers will reopen one day and people will no longer be young. Looking up at the sky, the morning sun, which was just full of vitality, suddenly turned into an aging sunset, making people feel that time flies and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle.
Time is money. Friend, cherish the time you have! Americans like it best.
Huan said that time is money. However, you have hundreds of millions of assets, can you buy it for a second? I can't. In that case, why don't we use the time we have to do something useful? "Don't wait for leisure, it's sad for nothing." As a student, the first priority is to study. There is such a riddle: what is one thing you need to do anything? The answer is time. No time, nothing!
Time is fair to everyone. The same time depends on how you allocate it. "Time is like water in a sponge,
As long as it is crowded, there is always some. "Why don't we use the limited time to study? When I was a child, I felt that time was endless. But is it the same for a person? You can do anything if you can live forever, but is there such a person? I used to complain that "every day is like a year", but now I understand that "time flies". I also feel that time flies. We can turn back, but we can't turn back!
Cherish the time you have! When you have finished the road of life and put out the fire of life, you will understand that time is short. But it's too late. Black hair doesn't know how to study early, but white hair hates studying late! Time is something that can't be touched or seen. Looking back, I unconsciously passed more than a dozen spring and autumn periods, but what did I do? Wake up! Get back to reality! Cherish the time you have! I once wrote a poem that will inspire those who have "realized":
Some people say, some people say,
Time is a butterfly, time is a fish in the sea,
Trying to catch it, trying to catch it,
It has flown away. It has swam away.
Some people say, I say,
Time is a rainbow, time is a mist,
Want to touch, want to touch,
It has disappeared. It's already broken up,
Ah! Time flies! Leave in a hurry!
That's right! Time does come and go in a hurry. No matter how "hurried" it is, we should follow its footsteps and let it walk the road of life side by side with you! Cherish time! It can make you have everything, and it can also make you lose everything. You decide which route to take.
Friend! Please cherish the time you have!