How can adults improve their memory?

First of all, don’t believe that drugs can improve memory. Drugs are at best an auxiliary function. Some drugs can help you relax, eliminate tension, or help you concentrate and remember things better, but there are absolutely no drugs that directly improve people's memory.

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What you need to do is exercise your own brain , The brain is like a machine, it will become more flexible as it is used. On the contrary, if it is not used for a long time, the brain will get stuck and the memory will be greatly reduced. Therefore, if you want to have a good memory, you should exercise your thinking ability more and consider problems from multiple angles. Over time, if you develop the thinking habit of drawing inferences from one example, your memory will be greatly improved.

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The second is to pay attention to your memory ways to improve memory The most obvious way is to learn to review multiple times, that is, before you memorize new things, you must learn to review what you have memorized a few minutes ago, so that what you have just memorized can settle.

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Finally, sleep well, a lot of facts have proved that it is enough Good sleep is the guarantee of having a good memory ability.