Poetry about filial piety culture 1. Filial piety poetry
This is a bit too much ... Confucius said: "Born with courtesy; When you die, you will be buried and sacrificed. "
When parents are alive, they should serve with courtesy; When you die, you should be buried and sacrificed according to etiquette. When Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Parents only worry about their illness."
Caring for parents' diseases is the key to filial piety. Confucius said, "If you don't travel far, you will travel easily."
It is to ask children to always be filial and filial in front of their parents, be completely convinced and not against their will. -"Book of Rites" has three filial piety: great respect for relatives, second humiliation, and support.
-The Book of Rites is the year of parents. One is joy and the other is fear.
-"The Analects of Confucius" Meng Wenxiao, Confucius said: "Parents only worry about illness." -"The Analects of Confucius is Politics" Parents love and love, and parents respect and respect them.
-Confucius is young and orderly. -Mencius is old, I am old, and people are old; Young people, young people, young people.
The world is in your hands. -Mencius dutiful son is the greatest respect for relatives.
-Mencius Only by filial piety can he relieve his worries. -Mencius and his son are close, the monarch and the minister are righteous, the husband and wife are different, the young and the old have a chat, and the friends have a letter.
-Mencius, which is bigger? Things are big; Keep, which is bigger? Make it bigger. I have heard of people who can serve their loved ones without losing their health; I've never heard of anyone who can serve their loved ones without their bodies.
Who is not doing something? Birds of a feather flock together, and things are based on it; Who doesn't keep it? Keep your body and keep your base. -Meng Ziren is true, and his relatives are also; The truth of righteousness, from brother is also.
-Mencius can't kiss or be human; You can't be a child if you don't like your relatives. -Mencius A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world does not exist.
Parents exist, brothers have no chance, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; It is three pleasures to be educated by talents in the world. A gentleman has three pleasures, and the king of the world does not exist.
-Mencius secular so-called unfilial five, lazy four, regardless of parents' support, a unfilial also; Boyi likes drinking, regardless of his parents' support, and is unfilial; Good wealth, private wife regardless of parental support, three unfilial; From the desire for eyes and ears, I thought that my parents were killed and four were unfilial; Brave and heartless, endangering parents, unfilial. -Mencius is an animal without a father and a king.
-Meng Zide inseparable, if life is not easy, if beauty and evil do not move. -"Lv Chunqiu" The dutiful son does not flatter the relatives, the loyal minister does not flatter the monarch, and the courtiers prosper.
Zhuangzi, who cares about his relatives, is very filial. -Zhuangzi philosophers, break its long and continue its short, do more harm than good, reach the article of love and respect, and the beauty of righteousness is also cultivated.
-Xunzi's Nature of Heaven and Earth, People are Precious; Man's trip is greater than filial piety, and filial piety is greater than strict father. -"filial piety, holy chapter" parents, people are also the foundation.
-Sima Qian is more beautiful than the three sacrifices. -father and son don't believe, the family is not harmonious.
-Wu Zetian, but how much you love an inch of grass, you will get three spring rays. -Meng Jiao People who live in harmony have rich families.
-Lin Bu's filial piety is universal. -Su Zhe The elders stand, the young don't sit, the elders sit, and life is sitting.
Before you respect your elders, you should lower your voice and ignore them, but this is not appropriate. Advance is inevitable, retreat is inevitable, ask why, and it is already fixed.
-Li Yuxiu All parents love their son. -Chen Hongmou waits on parents, and her voice is easy to calm down. Don't yell at them for trifles.
-Zhou Bingqing elder asked, don't bully people; The order of the elders, don't be late; Older people give, but dare not return. -Zhou Bingqing A loving mother loves her son and asks nothing in return.
[Han] Liu An was pregnant heavily in October, but the reward was light. Song of Persuading Filial Piety is a one-foot-three-inch treasure, which has been a work for ten years and eight years.
The mother of "Song of Persuading Filial Piety" said that the child lay dry and the mother fell asleep wet. "Song of Persuading Filial Piety" is not seen by the mother, and the child is uneasy.
My mother is one hundred years old and often reads eighty children. Before "Song of Persuading Filial Piety", the prodigal son is not cold.
Song of Persuading Filial Piety is full of love and hardship. Who knew my parents when they hurt me? "Children's Words Are Unbridled" The bald mother hid her face and cried, and her shirt sleeves were broken. [Tang] Han Yu's mother instrument hangs down, the tube is bright, and the night platform is silent.
Mottos, a thread in the hand of a loving mother, makes clothes for her wayward son's body. Before leaving, I had a stitch for fear that my son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged.
Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring? Meng Jiao used to live in and chose a neighbor.
In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. The mother of Saint Amethyst, the first relative on earth; Motherly love is the first love in the world.
Strictly speaking, the only uncontaminated love in the world is maternal love. When Yan Yan succeeds, everyone is a friend.
But only mother-she is the partner of failure. Zheng Zhenduo lost his parents and gave birth to me.
The Book of Songs has neither father nor mother. The Book of Songs is the virtue of the father and the legacy of the son. Clear pronunciation and mellow voice, parents respected; Give children a good education.
Don't be happy to have a son, and don't sigh without one. [Tang] Han Yu people see that boys and girls are good, but they don't know that men and women make people old.
[Tang] Wang Jian's parents are both on earth; The rarest person in the world, brother. Motto Lian Bi is the best parent in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world.
My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed, caressed, nursed, nurtured, cared and answered me. In the Book of Songs, the father is unkind and the son is unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy.
[Southern and Northern Dynasties] Yan Zhitui did not have a good father and brother in his life, nor did he have a strict teacher and friend outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu's parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents.
"The epigram Lian Bi" is a bit sentimental, but an inch of grass is reported to Meng Jiao.
2. Filial piety poetry
The Wandering Son, Tang Meng Jiao
The mother used the needle and thread in her hand to make clothes for her long-distance son. She sewed it carefully, mended it thoroughly,
Afraid that the delay would make him come home late. Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring?
A loving mother makes clothes for her long-distance son with a needle and thread in her hand.
Before leaving, he sewed a needle tightly for fear that his son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged.
Who can say that a child's filial piety as weak as grass can repay the kindness of such a loving mother as Chunhui Puze?
Wandering Son is a five-character poem written by Meng Jiao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. This is an ode to maternal love. The whole poem * * * has six sentences and three horizontal lines. It highlights and praises the greatness and selflessness of maternal love by recalling a seemingly ordinary scene of mending clothes before parting.
Filial piety is one of the two basic traditional moral codes of conduct of the Chinese nation, and the other is loyalty. For thousands of years, people have regarded loyalty and filial piety as nature, and even as a sign to distinguish people from animals. Loyalty and filial piety were put forward by saints, not saints. It is the historical product of long-term social practice in ancient China.
If the relationship between "country" and "home" is well coordinated, the world will be governed, and vice versa. The highest principle to ensure the effective rule of the country and the monarch is "loyalty"; The highest principle of filial piety is "filial piety" to consolidate the social order at the grass-roots level and increase the harmony of the township party neighborhood. The most basic cell in ancient China society was the family. Therefore, compared with filial piety, filial piety is more basic.
Extended data:
Filial piety is one of the two basic traditional moral codes of conduct of the Chinese nation, and the other is loyalty. For thousands of years, people have regarded loyalty and filial piety as nature, and even as a sign to distinguish people from animals. Loyalty and filial piety were put forward by saints, not saints. It is the historical product of long-term social practice in ancient China.
Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, China has established a big country with multi-ethnic unity, and there are two guarantees for its construction and maintenance. First, we must ensure the effective rule of a highly centralized power; Second, individual farmers living at the grass-roots level should be able to live and work in peace and contentment and engage in production.
Highly centralized political power and extremely dispersed farmers should cooperate with each other to reduce opposition. Under the unified coordination of the whole country, they can carry out large-scale cross-regional industrial construction and cultural construction, prevent civil war, resist foreign invasion, and provide disaster relief and disease prevention. If individual farmers benefit from it, the world will be peaceful.
Agricultural production is a reasonable choice made by ancient China society according to the natural environment. Family is the basic production organization of one household in ancient China, which constitutes the basic cell of society. Families produced by small farmers have the obligation to pay taxes to the state, and the state has the responsibility to protect small farmers.
If the relationship between "country" and "home" is well coordinated, the world will be governed, and vice versa. The highest principle to ensure the effective rule of the country and the monarch is "loyalty"; The highest principle of filial piety is "filial piety" to consolidate the social order at the grass-roots level and increase the harmony of the township party neighborhood. The most basic cell in ancient China society was the family. Therefore, compared with filial piety, filial piety is more basic.
Filial piety in the Thirteen Classics takes filial piety as the highest principle of course. In the late Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai wrote Mingxi on the basis of Xiao Jing, which integrated loyalty and filial piety.
From the perspective of philosophical ontology, ethics, politics, theory of mind and ontology constitute a complete system of filial piety. It has played a positive role in the development of the Chinese nation, enhanced national cohesion and formed a * * * understanding of national values.
Sogou Encyclopedia-Wandering Songs
Sogou encyclopedia-filial piety
3. Complete Poems of Filial Piety
1, a loving mother loves her son, not in return. -Liu Han An
2. Parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
3, the old white-headed mother covered the door and the sleeve was broken. -Don Han Yu
4. Being a parent is the best in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
5. There is no virtuous father and brother in life, and there is no strict teacher and good friend outside, so success is rare. -Gong
6. One-foot-three baby, ten-year-old and eight-year-old job. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
7. When the mother instrument hangs down, it is the bright tube and the quiet night platform. -"aphorisms"
8. The father is not kind and the son is not filial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy.
9. Take care of me and reply to me. -The Book of Songs
10, the prodigal son has a loving mother and doesn't feel cold. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
1 1, the thread in the hands of a loving mother, making clothes for the wayward boy's body. Before leaving, I had a stitch for fear that my son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring? -Tang Mengjiao
12, my mother is one hundred years old and often reads eighty children. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
13, all parents in the world; () The rarest brother in the world. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
14, I love you so much that I don't know my parents? Children's language
15, parents are highly respected; Give children a good education. -"epigram couplet"
16, people see that it is good to have boys and girls, but they don't know that men and women will make people old. -Don Wang Jian
17, the mother said that the child was lying dry and the mother was asleep and wet. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
18, what's wrong without mom and dad? -The Book of Songs
19, the woman is not happy. -Yan Zhitui in the Northern and Southern Dynasties
20. My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed to me, caressed me, nurtured me, grew me and nursed me.
2 1, Meng Mu, choose a neighbor. In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. -"Saint Amethyst"
22. Don't be happy if you have children, and don't sigh if you don't have children. -Don Han Yu
23, October, the baby is heavy, and the reward is light. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
4. Don't copy the excerpts of filial piety culture and original poems.
Baixiao Jing emphasizes filial piety in heaven and earth, which is the first word of filial piety. The whole family is safe and filial, and filial piety can give birth to a dutiful son. Filial piety is the first step of human nature. Filial piety is the first step. Since ancient times, there have been many loyal ministers, and dutiful sons have been chosen as immortals. Filial piety is not only food and clothing, but also filial piety. Filial piety is what your parents cherish. Don't say back that you don't know filial piety in the world. Both men and women have filial piety, and everyone can be filial to their parents, such as respecting heaven and filial sons. There is filial piety in the son's mouth, and filial piety can be seen in his face. In addition, filial piety can be learned from the four virtues, filial piety first, filial piety first, filial piety first, filial piety first, filial piety first, filial piety first, and filial piety is advised by people. A dutiful son's voice is precious before his death, and it is passed down from generation to generation. Only filial piety can be moved by filial piety. Filial piety exhorts filial father, filial mother and filial grandparents' children to be filial, which shows that filial piety is a good son. Men can show filial piety to their parents. The filial son of the younger generation is still in class. Parents don't know filial piety and don't complain about others. Filial piety is like filial piety, and peace of mind is natural. Filial piety means filial piety, death, regret and filial piety. Filial piety is absent. Filial piety means the happiness of the whole family, the filial son governing the country, the peace of the people, the grain is filial piety, the harmony between people is filial piety, tolerance is filial piety, and filial piety can be seen from difficulties. Filial piety has face and face, and parents are filial. Filial piety comes quickly and time is fast. Filial piety is my life. Filial piety is filial piety after death. Filial piety is a treasure, gentle and filial, sweet lamb kneels and knows filial piety. Crows feed back filial piety and face. If people don't know filial piety, they are worse than animals. Filial piety is the fundamental reason. Kindness is also filial piety. The power of the Buddha is above nine days. It's really filial piety. Is infinite filial piety. This sentence cannot be separated from filial piety. It's upside down. I have read it ten times, a thousand times, a thousand times, and a thousand times, and I often read hundreds of filial piety articles to eliminate disasters and take refuge.
5. Poems on filial piety culture, original, 100
China is a country with a long history of "filial piety" culture, which advocates the filial piety of all virtues first and promotes this culture to a very high level, which is not only the code of conduct for being a man, but also the rule of filial piety.
Filial piety, as a kind of Tao, is a special tradition endowed by China's 3,000-year-old civilization. From the extension of filial piety, another kind of loyalty with the same virtue but higher level was born. Open the ancient books and talk about loyalty and filial piety everywhere. Loyal ministers and dutiful sons have become heroic sons and daughters that people all over the country yearn for. On the contrary, treacherous court officials are naturally rebellious and become the wolves referred to by thousands of people.
What is filial piety? The master said: if you don't change your father's ways for three years, you can be said to be filial. In other words, it is filial piety to keep your words and deeds when you are with your father three years after his death. What about three years later? Confucius said nothing, and later generations simply thought that no matter what happened before his death, three years of mourning was filial piety. The ancient system of worrying about officials is the embodiment of the country's comprehensive implementation of the Confucian strategy of governing the country. The result can be imagined. Many old people are lonely, poor, sick and hungry when they are alive. Once they died, there were a lot of filial sons and grandchildren in front of the coffin grave, covered with hemp and withered.
Looking at the allusions of twenty-four filial piety, everyone is stunned. Not to mention the difficult Guo Ju burying children, gouging out meat and other relatives, even if he is lying on the ice to catch carp, he should also have a distinctive physique, and he should not lie on too thick ice. Otherwise, not only can't you melt the ice, but you can't get a life and a filial piety. Is it not flattering at both ends? Let alone let the stepmother eat carp. These stories are very mysterious. Even now, I think it is unrealistic to find some frozen fish in the refrigerator to melt with my body in hot summer, unless the high fever persists and it has reached the point of disinfection with ice cubes.
I am old, and people are old. Thousands of years ago, Confucius told us about such a great society. Now, when we think that everything is beyond our ancestors, we forget the most fundamental point, that is, "filial piety."
6. Writing or poetry about "filial piety culture"
Filial piety culture (composition)
Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. All virtues and filial piety come first, which is a much-told story in national history. To be a good person, a kind person and a successful person, we must be filial first. Losing filial piety is like a person losing his heart, only one body stands in the world and loses the value of life, let alone standing tall and making a difference. There are many touching stories about filial piety in history, one of which is "Min Zikai advised his father to feel his stepmother". Touching.
Min Zikai was from the Zhou Dynasty. He lost his mother when he was young, and his father married a surname as his stepfather. Min Zikai has always been filial, and he treats his stepmother as filial as his mother. Later, the stepmother gave birth to two sons in succession, so she began to hate Min Zikai. Always speak ill of Zi Qian in front of her husband and pick out the relationship between Zi Qian and her father.
Winter is coming, and the weather is very cold. The cotton-padded clothes made by the stepmother for her two biological sons are covered with warm cotton; The cotton-padded jacket made for Zi Qian is covered with reeds that are not warm at all. Reed flowers are reeds that grow in water. Where can the light flowers flying everywhere keep out the cold? Therefore, Zi Qian feels very cold when wearing it, as if she were naked. Instead, the stepmother said to her husband, "Zi Qian is not cold, but he wears thick cotton-padded clothes. Too arrogant, deliberately called cold. "
One day, my father was going out, and Zi Qian drove the horses and chariots for his father. A cold wind blew, and Zi Qian was too cold to catch the reins. He fell to the ground and the horse almost pulled the car off the cliff. The father was so angry that he raised his whip and gave his son a good beating. Zi Qian's cotton-padded coat was torn, and the reeds in it flew out. Father knows everything. Go home immediately and scold your stepmother, drive the vicious woman out of the house and divorce her. My stepmother stood still, too ashamed to speak. Zi Qian knelt in front of his father and cried to persuade him, "Mom's child is cold, and she is going to have a third child." Please don't drive her away. "
There is a good saying, "One mother is cold, and three mothers go." I don't know how many people were moved by this sentence, even Min Ziqian's stepmother was moved and regretted it. Since then, Min Zikai has been regarded as a parent-child, which is the influence and greatness of filial piety.
As the saying goes, "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before, and each generation is stronger than the next." Now we should be more filial to our parents, not to mention that filial piety is our long-standing cultural and traditional virtue. However, the fact seems to be a bit the opposite. The precious wealth of history has not been recognized by some modern people, and some even want their parents to "honor" them. In their hearts, only their parents have the idea of raising them and being cows and horses for them. As long as you are happy, it is enough to ignore the pain of others. But can they think of the pain of pregnancy in October and the hardship of raising a baby, and can they forget it? If these can't change their heart of stone, then they can only be reviled and abandoned by society.
Filial piety is priceless. As descendants of the Chinese people, we should always remember that filial piety comes first and carry forward our traditional virtues.
Filial piety is the first thing to do.
7. Poems on filial piety culture, original, 100
China is a country with a long history of "filial piety" culture, which advocates the filial piety of all virtues first and promotes this culture to a very high level, which is not only the code of conduct for being a man, but also the rule of filial piety.
Filial piety, as a kind of Tao, is a special tradition endowed by China's 3,000-year-old civilization. From the extension of filial piety, another kind of loyalty with the same virtue but higher level was born.
Open the ancient books and talk about loyalty and filial piety everywhere. Loyal ministers and dutiful sons have become heroic sons and daughters that people all over the country yearn for. On the contrary, treacherous court officials are naturally rebellious and become the wolves referred to by thousands of people. What is filial piety? The master said: if you don't change your father's ways for three years, you can be said to be filial.
In other words, it is filial piety to keep your words and deeds when you are with your father three years after his death. What about three years later? Confucius said nothing, and later generations simply thought that no matter what happened before his death, three years of mourning was filial piety.
The ancient system of worrying about officials is the embodiment of the country's comprehensive implementation of the Confucian strategy of governing the country. The result can be imagined. Many old people are lonely, poor, sick and hungry when they are alive. Once they died, there were a lot of filial sons and grandchildren in front of the coffin grave, covered with hemp and withered.
Looking at the allusions of twenty-four filial piety, everyone is stunned. Not to mention the difficult Guo Ju burying children, gouging out meat and other relatives, even if he is lying on the ice to catch carp, he should also have a distinctive physique, and he should not lie on too thick ice.
Otherwise, not only can't you melt the ice, but you can't get a life and a filial piety. Is it not flattering at both ends? Let alone let the stepmother eat carp. These stories are very mysterious. Even now, I think it is unrealistic to find some frozen fish in the refrigerator to melt with my body in hot summer, unless the high fever persists and it has reached the point of disinfection with ice cubes.
I am old, and people are old. Thousands of years ago, Confucius told us about such a great society. Now, when we think that everything is beyond our ancestors, we forget the most fundamental point, that is, "filial piety."
8. Filial piety poetry
Wandering son, Jiao, thread in the hands of loving mother, makes clothes for wayward son.
Before leaving, I had a stitch for fear that my son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring?
A loving mother makes clothes for her long-distance son with a needle and thread in her hand. Before leaving, he sewed a needle tightly for fear that his son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged.
Who can say that a child's filial piety as weak as grass can repay the kindness of such a loving mother as Chunhui Puze? Wandering Son is a five-character poem written by Meng Jiao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. This is an ode to maternal love.
The whole poem * * * has six sentences and three horizontal lines. It highlights and praises the greatness and selflessness of maternal love by recalling a seemingly ordinary scene of mending clothes before parting. Filial piety is one of the two basic traditional moral codes of conduct of the Chinese nation, and the other is loyalty.
For thousands of years, people have regarded loyalty and filial piety as nature, and even as a sign to distinguish people from animals. Loyalty and filial piety were put forward by saints, not saints.
It is the historical product of long-term social practice in ancient China. If the relationship between "country" and "home" is well coordinated, the world will be governed, and vice versa.
The highest principle to ensure the effective rule of the country and the monarch is "loyalty"; The highest principle of filial piety is "filial piety" to consolidate the social order at the grass-roots level and increase the harmony of the township party neighborhood. The most basic cell in ancient China society was the family. Therefore, compared with filial piety, filial piety is more basic.
Extended data:
Filial piety is one of the two basic traditional moral codes of conduct of the Chinese nation, and the other is loyalty. For thousands of years, people have regarded loyalty and filial piety as nature, and even as a sign to distinguish people from animals.
Loyalty and filial piety were put forward by saints, not saints. It is the historical product of long-term social practice in ancient China.
Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, China has established a big country with multi-ethnic unity, and there are two guarantees for its construction and maintenance. First, we must ensure the effective rule of a highly centralized power; Second, individual farmers living at the grass-roots level should be able to live and work in peace and contentment and engage in production.
Highly centralized political power and extremely dispersed farmers should cooperate with each other to reduce opposition. Under the unified coordination of the whole country, they can carry out large-scale cross-regional industrial construction and cultural construction, prevent civil war, resist foreign invasion, and provide disaster relief and disease prevention. If individual farmers benefit from it, the world will be peaceful.
Agricultural production is a reasonable choice made by ancient China society according to the natural environment. Family is the basic production organization of one household in ancient China, which constitutes the basic cell of society.
Families produced by small farmers have the obligation to pay taxes to the state, and the state has the responsibility to protect small farmers. If the relationship between "country" and "home" is well coordinated, the world will be governed, and vice versa. The highest principle to ensure the effective rule of the country and the monarch is "loyalty"; The highest principle of filial piety is "filial piety" to consolidate the social order at the grass-roots level and increase the harmony of the township party neighborhood.
The most basic cell in ancient China society was the family. Therefore, compared with filial piety, filial piety is more basic. Filial piety in the Thirteen Classics takes filial piety as the highest principle of course.
In the late Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai wrote Mingxi on the basis of Xiao Jing, which integrated loyalty and filial piety. From the perspective of philosophical ontology, ethics, politics, theory of mind and ontology constitute a complete system of filial piety.
It has played a positive role in the development of the Chinese nation, enhanced national cohesion and formed a * * * understanding of national values. Baidu encyclopedia-Youziyin Baidu encyclopedia-filial piety.