Wang Guozhen wrote in the poem "Choice": If you are a fish, don't be infatuated with the sky; if you are a bird, don't be infatuated with the ocean. ?
Yes, none of this can be forced. If you insist on doing this, you will be in despair and will never be able to achieve it.
Those who want to live or die after a breakup are actually like this fish infatuated with the sky, or more like this infatuated bird in the ocean. Why bother yourself?
In fact, after breaking up, if you can't forget it, don't forget it. You are not a god, and you have no power to make yourself lose that memory, so you might as well let nature take its course!
Instead of singing about happy breakup with tears, it is better to choose to look up at the stars and let yourself slowly settle down.
In fact, after breaking up, if you can’t forget it, don’t forget it!
If you can’t forget, don’t forget
Many times, people are like this. They can forgive others very well, but they are harsh on themselves and choose to embarrass themselves. You have to work hard to forget what you can't forget. Therefore, the more you want to forget, the clearer you remember it and the more you can't forget it.
Actually, why is this necessary? If you can't forget it, don't forget it. Just let it take its course and let time settle slowly. Maybe after a while, you will be surprised to find that you have forgotten it naturally and can't remember it anymore.
If you can’t forget it, then seal up the memory
In fact, not only quarrels can be archived, but memories can also be archived. After a breakup, if you can’t forget it, then seal up the memory. !
You archive your memory. It is a part of your life. There is no need to erase it. You should not take it out to recall it from time to time, because the more you recall it, the harder it will be to forget it.
If you can’t forget it, let it be filled with new memories
There is a saying that the best way to forget a memory is to fill it with new memories. It's true. If you have new beautiful memories, you won't be obsessed with the past, and you won't be immersed in sadness.
So, after breaking up, if you can’t forget it, don’t embarrass yourself, let new memories fill it!
New memories and new life will make you slowly forget the past. If you are already in the new life, you will not be so attached to the past.
If you can’t forget it, then try to get back together
Also, although they say that a good horse never looks back, but you are not that horse. You are for love. There is no shame in turning back at all. No one stipulates that you cannot turn back. No one laughs at people who turn back for true love. Only when you lose your favorite, others will feel sorry for you.
So, after breaking up, if you can’t forget it, then try to get back together. Reunion may be the best choice!
After all, every couple's situation is different, and there are still many people who break up due to various misunderstandings, so they live happily after getting back together.
Although breaking up is painful enough, you don’t exist for love. There is more than just love in your life, you have other things.
There is no need to torture yourself, the gears of time will not stop turning because of your broken love, it will keep running forward.
So, after breaking up, if you can’t forget it, don’t forget it! Don't embarrass yourself!