I. Detailed explanation
(noun) effect; Results impression, feeling, sensory effect, efficacy, effect, efficacy influence, functional significance, main points, appearance, appearance nature phenomenon theme V. (verb) incur, cause, cause, produce (effect) realize, complete, achieve the effect and make it effective. Ying Ying's explanation.
Noun: aphemenomen that follow and used by some previous noun; "When rotating vertically, the magnetic effect is greater."
"The impact of his decision on business"
"He became wise after the incident."
Appearance; “hemadeagoodimpression”
" iwantedtocreateaneimpressionofsuccess "
Animpression (especially onethatisartificialrontrold);; " hejustdiditforeffect "
Literary works with legal effect; “thelawisstillineffect”
Asymptomatic hepatitis B or oral medication; "the effects of sleep deprivation"
"the effect of anesthetic"
Verb: produce; The setting of scientists
Actsoastobringintoexistence "effect change"
Third, dictionary interpretation.
1. Impact; Effect; result
The first thing leads to the second.
For example, the influence of parents on teenagers' musical behavior. ...
Parents are worried about the influence of music on the behavior of adolescent children.
For example, Austerity Measures SwillhalitlemmediaTeaversEffect the AverageMorocan. ...
Fiscal austerity will not have a direct negative impact on ordinary Moroccans.
2. Effect and impression (deliberately made)
One effect is conscious creation, such as writing.
Such as e.g.Thewholeeffectiscool and lightandairy.
The overall effect is cool and relaxed.
3. property; Property; historical remains
A person's emotions will affect what he owns, such as what he owns when he dies, or when he dies.
For example, his daughter is collecting his influence.
His daughters are sorting out his belongings.
4. (Movie) Special Effects
Movies create sounds and landscapes in particular.
5. Let it happen; realize
If you do something you are trying to do, you will succeed.
For example, prospectsforefective realpoliticalchangesemed to haveetakenamajorstepbacked.
The chances of real political change seem even more remote.
See: greenhouse effect; Placeboeffect ripple effect; Side effects; Sound effects; special effects
Note that ever affect is connected with thenouneffect. You can say that something will affect you. Noise affects different people in different ways. You can also say that there are some things that will affect you ... the effective hanoisehasonpeople influences.
Note that the verb affect is related to the noun effect. It can be said that something has affected someone. Use affect, such as NoiseAffectsdifferent (noise will have different effects on different people). You can also say that something has an effect on someone, for example, noise has an effect on people in the factory. 7. In order to impress people; In order to attract attention
If you say that someone is doing something for effect, you mean that they are doing something to suppress others and themselves.
For example, Jockpausedforeffect, his eyes are shining on his glass. ...
To create an effect, Jock stopped to take another sip of wine, and his eyes sparkled above the glass.
For example, theckneyaccentwasputonforeffect.
This cockney accent is deliberately put on to impress people.
8. actually; in fact
What you said is not accurate, but you think it is a reasonable description or summary of a specific situation.
For example, if the transaction is invalid, it will create the largest airline in the world.
In fact, this agreement will lead to the establishment of the largest airline in the world.
9. implementation (plan); Realize (an idea)
If you carry out, bring or carry out a plan, you will think it happens in practice.
Synonym of effect
For example, these and other such measures have entered into force 1985.
These and other similar measures should have been implemented in 1985.
For example ... adecreibringing intoeffects last month.
The decree to implement political reform was formally passed last month.
10. Commencement/entry into force/effectiveness
If lawrorpolicyakeseeffector comes to effect data speciality time, then itofficiently begins to apply to your blog from mthattime. Ifitremainsineffect,itstillappliesorisstillvalid。
For example ... a license to ban new records that will take effect in July. ...
The ban on issuing new logging licenses will take effect in July.
For example, DecisionWastakenyesterdayandweale MineffectionFortherGovernment Instructions.
This decision was made yesterday and will remain valid until the government gives further instructions.
1 1. Effective; get to work
youcansathsatsometingtakeseffect when itstartstopproduceresulthatareninded。
For example, these conditional joins should be more than just given once first DrughadtakenEffect. ...
The second injection can only be made after the first dose takes effect.
For example, the international function begins to totakeeffect.
International sanctions began to work.
12. Good effect/no effect.
youuseeffectinxpressions suchastogoodeffectandtoneffecnordertoindicatehowssuccessfuloriimpressiveanactionis。
For example, mrmorrisfeelsthemuseumisusingadvertisinggoodeffect ...
Mr. Morris thinks that the advertisements made by the museum are very effective.
Such as MrCharlescomplained and tonoeffect.
Mr. Charles' complaint was fruitless.
13. The main idea is; roughly
You use tothiseffect, tothateffect, or tothateffect to indicate the summary of what you have given or not given, not what you actually use.
For example, acirculartothiseffect will be released in the next few weeks. ...
An announcement in this regard will be made in the next few weeks.
For example, LegislationTothatEffectCreatedFiercontRosybothinpartandoutside. ...
That kind of legislation caused a heated debate both inside and outside the parliament.
14. Effective immediately/from? take effect
If you say something will happen in immediateeffectorwitheffectfrompartitiltime, you mean the application of that time or the effective immediate application.
For example, wearenowresumrelationships with syriawithimediate effect ...
We will immediately resume relations with Syria.
For example, from 1 1 March 3rd, the price on Saturday will take effect.
From 1 1.3, the price will be increased on Saturday.
15 . causeandeffect->; Check the reason
Fourth, examples
The aspirin pills I took soon took effect.
Advertising has not affected sales.
These advertising activities have little impact on sales.
There is no doubt that every result has a reason.
This will have a negligible influence temperature.
This has little effect on the temperature.
The general effect of painting is overwhelming.
The overall impression of this painting is that it is very imposing.
This is an exaggerated effect of music.
That's the soundtrack to improve the dramatic effect.
This is what he said, in order to achieve the effect.
That's what he said
Hetoldmetogetout, or wordstothateffect.
He told me to leave or something.
If the disease has spread badly, the doctor can't bring it back to life.
The temperature of a substance usually affects its state.
Temperature often causes changes in the state of matter.
Five, common sentence patterns
Used as a noun (noun) Thiauthenticatcaffecthasbeen Achieved dbyskillfullertouching.
This real effect is achieved through careful modification. Allthishedid,butithadnoeffect。
He did everything, but to no avail. poetryachievesitsfinesteffectbysuggestion。
Poetry achieves the highest artistic conception through association. hestoppedandsawwhateffecthiswordshadproduced。
He stopped to see what effect his speech had. thedramaticklightingheightentheeffectoftexhibition。
The striking lighting enhanced the effect of the exhibition. In the first scene, starting from the morning, we will use lights to achieve the effect of growing sunlight.
In the first scene from the early morning, we will gradually increase the lights to achieve the effect when the sky is bright. The speaker proved his effect by reading his speech from notes, so he looked serious and failed.
The speaker picked up the speech from his notes, which completely destroyed the effect, so it was insincere and could not arouse the audience's passion. The author emphasizes another wisegoodstory bystringffects.
The writer screwed up a good novel because of his desperate pursuit of effect. They studied the effects of smoking.
They discussed the consequences of smoking. He acted blindly.
He doesn't understand the possible consequences of his actions. Thecumulativeeffectsofmanyillnessesmadehimveryweak。
The long-term wear and tear of various diseases made him extremely weak. effectsofthesedativehavegoneoff。
The painkiller has expired. He experienced the bad effects of dryness.
He has begun to feel the harm of drinking. The increase in wages protects wages from high prices.
The increase in wages has mitigated the impact of rising prices on us. We must first estimate the influence of complex social conditions.
We must first measure their influence on the complex social situation. Scientists have spent several years studying the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain, and they still have no success.
Scientists have spent many years studying the effect of a chemical on human brain, but there are still many unanswered questions. From armfuleffectstelevision to untilthe broadcastersimprovedematerial.
If TV stations don't improve their broadcast content, they can't protect children from the bad influence of TV. There is no evidence to show the influence inside the city.
The impact of these policies will not be more obvious than in cities. The general effect of painting is overwhelming.
The overall impression of this painting is that it is very imposing. Don't ignore the details, consider the overall effect.
Don't look at the details, consider the overall effect. helostallhispersonalefects into the fire。
He lost all his personal property in the fire. These are the effects of dead soldiers.
These are packages full of soldiers' relics. Hespoketonoeffect。
His speech didn't work. They rejected the proposal.
It was useless for him to argue for a long time, but they still refused to let him go. She called it a "fool", or an "effect".
She called me a fool or something. I can't remember his exact words, but he said something that affected the effect.
I can't remember his exact words, but he did say something similar. Used as a verb (v.) used as a transitive verb s+~+n./pron.i 'lleffectmypurpose, noonecouldstopme!
I will achieve my goal, and no one can stop me. heeffectedhisscapebysluggingaguard。
He hit a guard hard and ran away. With the door closed, it will not take effect easily.
Once the gate is closed, it is not easy to get in. asingglassofbrandymayeffecthisrecovery。
A glass of brandy will bring him back to normal. The drug didn't have any effect.
This medicine doesn't work. 1 thecrossingiseffected without difficult。
Crossing the river succeeded. What impact have these great changes had?
How did these earth-shaking changes come about? No one foresaw that the necessary population restrictions would be affected.
No one can predict how the necessary population restrictions will be realized. Other v-ingaadverb. The missile warhead hit the target, effectively preventing the nuclear explosion.
The missile warhead hit the target and completed a nuclear explosion. Therefore, he saved a lot of time and energy.
He did it himself, thus saving a lot of time and energy. Six, the classic citation
Said by: H.H. Wilsonalwaystheovertininistooealthee; And andalwaystheeffectivestoemasculateit.
Said by: d.daviecornlawreport ... effective non-intermediary economic or social evolution.
Said by: general motors company trevelyanapoliciofficermayusereasonableforce ... toeffectthearest.
Said by: R.C.A White VII. Etymological interpretation
☆65438+ entered English in the late 4th century, directly from the effect; Old French; Effectus us comes from Latin, which means achievement. Related synonyms of effect
Consequence, conclusion, problem, result, cause, result, effectiveness, efficiency, influence, derivation, cause, cause and manufacture.
Related antonym of effect
Cause, inducement, origin, source
Related adjacent effect words
Effective, eliminating, effector, effective, effective, effector, effector. , effect