How to say happy birthday in French

Contents method 1: Standard birthday greetings 1. Tell the other person loudly "Joyeuxanniversaire!" 2. Use "Bonanniversaire!" 3. In French-speaking Canada, use "bonnefête". Method 2: Less commonly used birthday wishes 1. Say "Passeune merveilleuse journée! 2. Tell the other person 3. Tell the other person "félicitations." Used to congratulate the other person on their birthday. 4. Ask the other person "quel?geas-tu? Method 3: Longer Birthday greetings 1. Use "Je2. Tell the other person "Quetupuisseêtreheureuxencoredenombreusesannées!" 3. The most direct French birthday greeting to wish the other person is "joyeuxanniversaire", but in fact there are many, many ways to wish others a happy birthday in French. The following are some terms that may be useful to you:

Method 1: Standard birthday greetings

1. Tell the other person loudly "Joyeuxanniversaire!" These are two French "Happy Birthday" terms The first one. You can use this phrase in Quebec and other French-speaking parts of Canada, although it's not the most common phrase there, unlike in France.

Literally translated as "happy birthday"

Joyeux means "happy", "happy" and "pleasant"

Anniversaire can mean "birthday" , "anniversary", but when used alone it means birthday. If you want to use it to refer to a wedding anniversary, say "anniversairedemariage."

joyeuxanniversaire is pronounced jwhy-ooah-nee-veer-sair .

2. Use "Bonanniversaire!" This is the second way to say "Happy Birthday" in France. Both joyeuxanniversaire, and bonanniversaire can be used in French-speaking Canada, and people there can understand them, but they are not the most commonly used sentences there.

Bon generally means "good" and "good place", so the whole sentence is literally translated as "good birthday" rather than "happy birthday".

Bonanniversaire is pronounced bohnah-nee-veer-sair.

3. In French-speaking Canada, "bonnefête" is used. This is the most casual and common way to say "Happy Birthday" in the local area. Such as Quebec. "joyeuxanniversaire", "bonanniversaire" and "bonnefête" are different, the latter cannot be used in France. In France, "bonnefête" is generally used to celebrate a person's "name day", which means the festival of the saint after whom a person is named.

Bonne is another word that means "good" or "good place".

Fête means "banquet" and "festival".

"bonnefête" literally translates as "good holiday"

bonnefête is pronounced bohnfeht.

Method 2: Less commonly used birthday wishes

1. Say "Passeunemerveilleusejournée!". This sentence means something like "Have a great birthday" or "Have a good life." Passe is conjugated from the verb "passer", meaning "to spend" or "to spend"

Merveilleuse means "Great"

Unejournée means "one day"

Pronounced pahsoonmehr-vay-yooszhor-nee.

2. Tell the other person "meilleursvoeux." Use this sentence to give the other person "the best birthday wishes." Please note that this sentence is not a commonly used birthday greeting, but it can also be used.

Meilleurs means "best", and "voeux" means "wishes" and "blessings".

Pronounced may-yehrvoo.

3. Tell the other person "félicitations." to congratulate the other person on their birthday. This sentence is not a very common birthday greeting, but in France it is more common to congratulate someone on their birthday than in the United States.

Félicitations literally translates to "congratulations"

Pronounced feh-lee-cee-tay-see-ohn.

4. Ask the other person "quel?geas- tu?" is used to ask someone how old they are.

Quel means "what", "which"

"?ge" means "age"

"as-tu" is very similar to "didyou?" in English.


The sentence itself is asking "What age are you", or "How old have you become?"

Pronounced kehlahghah-too.

Method 3: Longer birthday greetings

1. Use "Jetesouhaitepleindebonheurencettejournéespéciale." This sentence is roughly translated as "I wish you a lot of happiness on this special day" or "I wish you happiness every moment on this special day"Je It means "I", te is the direct object pronoun, used to refer to "you"

Souhaite means "wishes", plein means "full", de is similar to the English "of", bonheur" It means "happy"

En means "on?", cette means "this", journée means "day", and spéciale means "special"

Pronunciation For zhtosuwayplahndubohn-yarahnsetzhor-neespeh-see-ahl.

2. Tell the other person "Quetupuisseêtreheureuxencoredenombreusesannées!" It is similar to "Longevity" and "Longevity", which itself is used to wish the other party more birthdays. Que means "that", tu means "you", puisse means "can", être means "become", heureux means "happy"

Encore means "still", used for There are many more meanings expressed in this sentence.

Nombreuses means "many" and années means "years"

Pronounced kootoojwhy-ooohn-kohrdunohm-broosah-nee.

3. Bless each other "Quetoustes désirsseréalisent." means "May all your dreams come true" Tous means "all" and tes means "you"

Désirs can mean "desire", "dream" or "wishes"

Seréalisent means "realized"

Pronounced kootootehday-seresuray-al-ees.