Is the Bible fabricated or true?

The Bible is a mythical story fabricated in a deified way.

Richard, a professor at the University of California, believes that the Bible is a mixture of truth and fiction, written by four authors from 922 BC to 622 BC (hundreds of years after Moses' death). As an important book of western religions, the Bible has been regarded as a holy book for thousands of years, representing God, especially God's edict, and its content is correct and inviolable.

Basic information of the Bible:

The Old Testament (Tanah) is actually an encyclopedia about the early life of Jews. It completely shows the development history of the Jewish nation, vividly reproduces the broad life picture of the Jewish nation and records their outstanding achievements in various fields in detail.

It profoundly reflects their morality and values and provides rich and precious historical materials for understanding and studying ancient Jewish society. The Old Testament is also a great literary work, which uses almost all forms of literary creation, such as myths, legends, novels, fables, plays, essays, poems, proverbs and aphorisms, and creates original prophetic literature and apocalyptic literature.

He made a unique contribution to the colorful world literature. It is worth noting that in the Old Testament, the history of Jewish exile is a recurring theme. The narrative of the Old Testament emphasizes that whenever Jews deviate from God's commandments, they will offend God and be driven out of their spiritual homes again and again and become homeless.