In "The Book of Songs", "Ya" is divided into Zhengya and Bianya. Those whose contents reflect the decline of the Zhou Dynasty's rule are called "Bianya", and the rest are called "Zhengya". But looking at the sentence "Guanyong Zhengya finally knows the law", "Guanyong" is a separate chapter, and "Ya" is the general category, and there is no equivalent relationship, so "Zhengya" should come from "Zhengyin Yayin", which refers to The tonal and rhythmic characteristics of Zhou Dynasty poetry.
The author listened to obscene and vulgar music and melodious and harmonious music, and truly felt and understood what kind of rhythm the so-called elegance of ancient poetry is. The ancient sage (Confucius) once said that future generations are to be feared, and future generations may not be unable to understand it. Reach the elegant state of the ancients.
No, not necessarily right.