As a complete God, God is also a complete person. His life is a perfect model. There is no sin, no sin, because of his great love for the world, he completely obeyed God's will and suffered unwarranted charges. He suffered under the then ruler Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, was buried, and fell into the underworld. Christianity believes that the cross shows God's great love and salvation.
Main sacraments:
Christian sacraments, or "sacraments", are important Christian rituals. Christianity believes that the sacrament was established by Jesus Christ himself, and it has a certain form of religious etiquette. With the help of some visible form, it gives the invisible "love" and "blessing" of Christ to the recipient, and anyone who sincerely accepts it can get it. Catholicism and Orthodox believe that there are seven kinds of "sacraments", namely, baptism, confirmation, confession, communion, last blessing, sacrament and wedding. Protestantism generally only recognizes baptism and communion as "sacraments"