Excerpts from Super Classic English

Abstraction includes abstraction in daily sense and abstraction in teaching sense. According to whether the basic requirements are met, abstract values can be divided into positive and negative. The relationship between excerpts and exercises is mainly reflected in the accumulation of knowledge, materials and language materials provided by excerpts and the familiarity with text writing. I have carefully collected super classic English essays for everyone to enjoy and learn!

Super classic English composition 1 watching the world go by

I sat outside my new home yesterday (we just moved last week, and we like this new place) and watched the world go by.

People are sitting in cars, in a hurry to go to their next appointment. Birds fly by, insects are as busy as people in cars, and plants and weeds thrive in Guam's humid climate.

In the house, my children are busy as usual, making the house in a mess (my wife and I will clean it soon), taking things, and their natural protection has overwhelmed our previous pleas for them not to play with lotion or open things.

The sky is a little cloudy and breezy, but it is actually quite strong and pleasant.

Most of us don't always just sit quietly and let the world pass us by.

Why not?

What's so important that it can't wait until later? What mail must be answered immediately? Do we really need to read all the articles, all the information from others, all the newspapers and magazines online? Do we need to keep the TV, radio and Internet on all the time?

When we keep our minds super busy, is life passing us by? When we keep thinking about the future-what we need to do, our anxiety about what might happen-and the past-what we did wrong, what others did to us, what we said, what should have happened, did we miss the beautiful world around us?

When was the last time you just sat and watched? Why not do it today?

Super Classic English Composition 2 Fragments in Life

When he carried me away, I felt like a container that had just broken. My fragments are everywhere on the neat brown tiles. He kept saying, tell me why he left, explaining that it was the best and I could do better. It was his fault, not mine. I've heard it many times, but I don't know why I'm not spared; Maybe no one is immune from this felony.

He left, and I tried to move on with my life. I filled the kettle with water and put it on the fire to boil. I also took out my old red cup, filled it with coffee and watched every coffee particle slip into the bone China. This is my life, endlessly missing coffee particles, and somehow, I never succeeded in making that cup of coffee.

Somehow, I pretended not to hear when the kettle sounded the alarm for the end. Mike's departure was like this, sudden and irreversible. I'd rather indulge in uncertainty than finish things. I laughed at myself. Imagine, for a cup of coffee, you will become so philosophical and sad. I must be getting old.

However, it was a young woman staring at me from the mirror. A young woman full of promise and hope, a young woman with bright eyes and full lips, is waiting to deal with the world. I never loved Mike anyway. Besides, there are more important things. I firmly said to myself that it is more important than love. The lid is on the coffee, just like the end of the whole Mike experience.

That night, he didn't appear in my dream as I feared. Instead, I flew over the fields and Woods and looked down at the people below. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. Only when I woke up did I realize that I had been hit by a hunter. It was not the bullet that was knocked down, but the soul of the shooter. Later, I realized, to some extent, that Mike was the hunter who put me down, and I was the bird that longed to fly. The next night, I had a dream similar to the previous nights, but there was no hunter. I fly freely until I meet another bird that flies in harmony with me. I realize that there is a bird waiting for me, and there is another person, not necessarily a lover, maybe just a friend, but there is one person who is my soul mate, which makes me feel relieved. I think of myself as a broken vase again, and realize that I have glued myself back together. What Mike has is only a small part of my time on earth and a little understanding of my material existence. He is only a small part of me.

Who can refuse 12 smile?

When the plane just took off, a passenger told a stewardess that he needed a glass of water to take medicine. She told him that she would bring him water in ten minutes.

Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's service bell rang, the stewardess flew in a panic. She was so busy that she forgot to bring him water. As a result, the passengers were stopped to take medicine. She hurried to him with a glass of water, but he refused.

In the next few hours of flight, every time the flight attendant passes by this passenger, she will smile and ask him where he needs help. But the passengers didn't pay her.

When he was about to get off the plane, the passenger asked the stewardess to hand him the passenger handbook. She was very sad. She knew he would write a sharp word, but she handed it to him with a smile.

When she got off the plane, she opened the brochure, and Zhan Yan smiled (Zhan Yan smiled) because the passenger wrote, "On the plane, you asked me twelve times if I needed help. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles? "

That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?