The mountain is not high, but the fairy is famous. The water is not deep, and with the dragon, it seems to have aura. This is a humble house, but I (the people who live in it) have a good moral character (so I don't feel humble). The moss marks on the steps are green; The grass is green and reflected in the curtains.
All the people who come here to talk and laugh are knowledgeable scholars. Those who have no shallow knowledge can generally play elegant guqin and read Buddhist scriptures written in clay. No music, no official documents. There is Zhuge Liang Caotang in Nanyang and Yangzi Yunting in West Shu. Confucius said, "What's so simple about this?"
The mountain is not high, but the fairy is famous. The water is not deep, and the dragon is the spirit. I am a humble room, but I am virtuous. The moss on the stage is green, and the curtain grass is green. There is no Ding Bai who laughs and has a university. You can tune the pipa and read Jin Dian. There is no confusion, and there is no complicated form. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang and Ting Yun Pavilion in West Shu. Kong Ziyun: What's wrong?
Humble Room Inscription is an inscription written by Liu Yuxi, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. The full text is only 8 1 word. By praising the humble room, the author expresses his ambition to be a noble person, care for the poor and not collude with the secular. The article has a clear hierarchy, starting with mountains and rivers, pointing out the theme of "I am humble, but I am virtuous", and then writing from the aspects of outdoor scenery, indoor people and indoor things.
Literary appreciation:
"Humble Room Inscription" is an inscription expressing one's ambition. The article shows the author's attitude towards life, that is, not following the customs, being honest and honest, and not seeking fame and fortune. It expresses the author's noble and proud sentiment and reveals the author's poor and happy seclusion interest. It is simple, concise and fresh, like a pithy poem, full of philosophy and charm.
The first few words from Shi Shuo Xin Yu Pai Diao dig out new ideas, "The mountain is not high, it is ineffective, and the depth is not deep, it is unclear", which leads to the humble room with the common metaphor in poetry. "The mountain is not high" and "the water is not deep" are better than the humble room, and "the fairy is named" and "the dragon is the spirit" are better than the humble room. These four sentences are well-known sayings, which are quite alarming in philosophical poems.