The gentleman Ruonan comes from the Book of Songs.
A gentleman is like an orchid, gentle and moist like jade; a gentleman is like a nan, born to be extraordinary. If the author is asked to describe Lai Yanan, she is not suitable to be compared with flowers. If you think about it carefully, she is just like the golden nanmu.
Golden nanmu is also known as Yanan, which has the same pronunciation. Nanmu is given the first title to show its preciousness. It sparkles in the sun, with golden threads emerging, and has an elegant and delicate fragrance. It can be used as pillars and beams, and can also be used to make various utensils. Its texture is delicate and lovely, worth tasting and suitable for collection. It is similar to Lai Yanan's There is a sense of similarity in character.
On the outside, Lai Yanan may be carefree, bold and straightforward, but on the inside, she is like a nanmu. It seems to grow slowly for decades and looks static on the outside. But in fact, she takes root in the soil and absorbs natural nutrients. Form a self-system.
So after DOMO was launched in 2004, the design of each product seems simple, subtle, and low-key. In fact, it has mature design philosophy and cultural concerns. It is simple but not heavy, and interesting but not dull.
Perhaps it is the place where her soul was nurtured and the place where design sprouted and grew. This place was not only the School of Arts and Crafts in her adult life, but also her childhood study.
The Book of Songs is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry and the earliest poetry collection. It collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (11th century BC to 6th century BC), with 311 poems. , 6 of which are Sheng poems.
That is, there are only titles but no content, which are called six Sheng poems, reflecting the social outlook of about 500 years from the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty to the late Zhou Dynasty.
The author of "The Book of Songs" is unknown, and most of it cannot be verified. It is said that it was collected by Yin Jifu and compiled by Confucius. The Book of Songs was called "The Book of Songs" in the pre-Qin period, or the round number was called "The Three Hundred Songs".
It was revered as a Confucian classic during the Western Han Dynasty and was first called the Book of Songs, which is still used today. The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: "Wind", "Ya" and "Song". "Wind" is a ballad from various places in the Zhou Dynasty; "Ya" is a formal song of the Zhou people, and is divided into "Xiaoya" and "Daya"; "Song of Lu", "Song of Lu" and "Song of Shang".
Confucius once summarized the purpose of the "Book of Songs" as "innocence" and taught his disciples to read the "Book of Songs" as the standard for speech and action. Among the pre-Qin scholars, many quoted the Book of Songs.
For example, Mencius, Xunzi, Mozi, Zhuangzi, Han Feizi and others often quoted sentences from the Book of Songs to enhance their persuasiveness when reasoning and demonstrating. By the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Book of Songs was regarded as a classic by Confucianists and became one of the Six Classics and the Five Classics.
The Book of Songs is rich in content, reflecting labor and love, war and corvee, oppression and resistance, customs and marriage, ancestor worship and banquets, and even celestial phenomena, landforms, animals, plants and other aspects. It is a masterpiece of Zhou Dynasty A mirror of social life.