I want to ask a Russian expert to listen to some lyrics for me.

It's the first time to hear such a cool China song, plus Russian rap! The creator is really original! Worth collecting!

Катюша,всё так же стоишь на берегу? (Excerpted from the song "Katyusha катюша" which has lasted for decades)

Тоня,ещё помнишь,как закалялась сталь? (from the famous novel какзакалласьстал). "

София,твои колокола по-прежнему в звонке? (From the poem "The Ancient Clock of Sophia", дрвниеколласои.

Харбин,как живёшь? Я люблю тебя!

Любовь моя! Харбин,моя любовь!