An important member of modernist poetry movement

Ezra pound (1885-1972) is a great experimenter and innovator of modernist poetry in the United States, or more accurately, in Britain and America, and also a core figure of modernist literature movement. He personally initiated the "Imagism" poetry movement in British and American literary circles, which opened a new chapter in British and American modernist poetry, both in creative theme and artistic form. His Poems (1930-1969) not only fully embodies his extraordinary poetic art and imagination, but also embodies his experimental spirit, and also represents an important milestone in the history of modernist poetry.

William carlos williams (1883- 1963) is also an important member of American modernist poetry movement. He absorbed nutrition from French symbolism and surrealism poetry and tried to create poems with distinctive American characteristics in his own style. His red trolley (1923) is a typical example.

Robert lee Frost (1874— 1963) is a famous American national poet in the 20th century. During his 70-year creative career, he described the customs of New England with fresh, simple, almost colloquial but philosophical poems. His widely circulated poems include The Road Not Taken, Birch Tree and other philosophical poems.