Christian music is an important part of singing and praising God. These songs praising God were originally accompanied by musical instruments. The musical instruments used are: harp, harp, cymbal, horn, etc. In the Christian church in the Middle Ages, all musical instruments except the organ were forbidden to be used, and only a single-part and free-paced unaccompanied plainsong was a legal church song.
Lyrics of "Building Music Score on the Original Basis"
Because the foundation that has been laid is Jesus Christ, and no one can lay any other foundation. If someone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, vegetation and straw, everyone's work will be revealed. Inevitably revealed.
For in that day it will be revealed, and a fire will be discovered, which will test every man's works. If the work that man has done on this basis can continue, he will be rewarded. If a person's job is burned, he will suffer losses, but he will be saved. Although redemption is like crossing a fire.