There is a "Four Seasons Song" with a sharp grass bud. He said to the bird, I am spring. The lotus leaf is round. He said to the frog, I am summer. The ears of grain are curved, and he bowed his head and said, I am Qiu. The snowman stood with a big belly and said naughtily, I am in winter.
It can be abbreviated as: grass buds say spring to birds, lotus leaves say summer to frogs, ears of grain bend in autumn, and a potbellied snowman says winter.
Related content explanation
"Four Seasons" is the text of the fourth lesson in the first volume of "Primary School Chinese" (revised edition in autumn of 20 16) published by People's Education Publishing House. This passage is a childlike poem by the richest man. Through the description of several representative things such as grass buds in spring, lotus leaves in summer, ears of grain in autumn and snowman in winter, the characteristics of the four seasons are expressed.
Poetry uses personification and parallelism, and the language is cordial and vivid. When it is read fluently, it can arouse students' understanding of life. The four illustrations are vivid and convenient for students to observe and imagine.