"When I was young, I dared to laugh that Huang Chao was not a husband" means that Song Jiang thinks that Huang Chao is not a real gentleman, but he is. He thinks he is loyal and devoted to serving the country and the people. What he wants to do is what a gentleman does. Huang Chao should not be called a gentleman.
"Live up to the eternal flow of the Yellow River" should come from Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty: "The name of Cao Er is destroyed, and the rivers are not wasted." Interpretation: You old-fashioned literati are insignificant in the long river of history and can only exist in name only, while the four outstanding figures are like rivers and last forever.
Extended information These two poems are from the restaurant of Xunyang River on the title of Shuihu Sung River. The whole poem is as follows:
My heart is in Shandong, my body is in Wu, and I am floating on the sea.
If he was Ling Yunzhi, dare to laugh at Huang Chao's husband!
Meaning of the whole poem: Although he served his sentence in Wudi, his heart was in Shandong, and wandering in the Jianghu often lamented the wasted years. If I realize my great ambition in the future, I can laugh at Huang Chao's behavior that is not done by a gentleman.
From Du Fu's "Drama as Six Juequatrains II"
Original text:
"Lu" and "Lu" are the highest achievements of their creation under the conditions of that time. After the life of your generation has all turned to dust, nothing will hurt the torrent flowing to the endless river.
Wang Yang and Luo Lu initiated a generation of poetic styles and schools, which were ridiculed by shallow critics. After everything in your generation turns to dust, it will never hurt the rushing river.