However, not all Jacob's family members are keen on the worship of innocence. For example, his daughter Dinah likes to make friends with Canaanite women in Shechem. At that time, Dana was still young, and her tent was originally safe, but she slipped out and wandered around the neighboring cities to make friends with the locals.
This young woman, who is still a virgin, often visits and always seems to be alone. What do the local young people think of her? A parent's son "saw her, so he grabbed her, slept with her and insulted her." Why did Dinah get into danger by associating with immoral Canaanites? Because she wants to date some girls her own age? Or is she headstrong and headstrong like some of her brothers? Please read the record of Genesis and think about how Jacob and Leah would feel. Their daughter is unfortunate, because she went to Shejian to play, which will inevitably make them feel sad and ashamed.
Almost 300 years later, the evil consequences of ignoring the guidance of God's rule were emphasized again. Joshua gathered the Israelites in Shechem, which was unforgettable and the best in the history of Israel. Try to imagine the scene in the valley. More than one million people from six Israeli tribes, including men, women and children, stood in front of Mount Kirishin. On the other side of the valley, the other six tribes, about the same number, stood in front of Mount Ebal. As for the priests and Joshua, they stood among the Israelites by the ark. What a spectacular scene!