What habits have helped you the most in your career?

For me, setting goals and constantly updating plans are my biggest habits in the workplace. The following story happened between depression and happiness. How do masters keep a good career life in difficult times and finally bring back good things?

"How could she do such a thing to me?" This question has been hovering in my mind. Every moment, every day.

20 1 1 That year, the gradient design was still very popular, and the icons on iOS were not bad. Everyone still used deodorant, but I was deeply depressed. I am divorced.

Fortunately, I am rational enough (and a group of great friends). So I found some ways to keep it going.

One day I went to the office and turned on the computer to prepare for the day's work. Everything went well until I saw this message:

Your password has expired. Click Change Password to set a new password.

Lying in the trough watching this stupid news, I cursed in my heart: the damn password has expired.

In my company, the Microsoft Exchange service used is set to require thousands of colleagues around the world to change their passwords regularly. Once every 30 days.

Shit: The server forces at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one special character and at least one number. And there must be more than eight people in this pile of troubles. Also, the passwords of the past three months cannot be repeated!

I was really angry that morning. On Tuesday, at 9: 40 am, on a rather hot day, I arrived at the company sweating all over and wearing a motorcycle helmet on my head. Not only was I late, but I didn't seem to have breakfast and my mouth smelled of smoke. I have to solve this bastard problem before the morning 10 meeting.

Look at the screen … There is a jumping cursor in the input box. When I enter a password that needs to be entered continuously for 30 days, I need to enter the password countless times a day.

Ok, I remember a method I learned from my former boss Rasmus: combining to-do list with password. And I want to try the enhanced version.

I want to change my life with the password.

Obviously, I have accomplished almost nothing by continuing my bad habits and state after divorce. Of course, I know exactly what I need to do or achieve to regain control of my life. As we all know, we usually turn a blind eye to them.

I decided to take the password as a hint. I will use a password to remind myself not to be a victim of breaking up. I am strong enough to face it.

I changed my password to "forgive @h3r".

During the meeting, I kept thinking about what I had just done. Something seems to have drawn a smile on my cheek.

In the next week, every time my computer locks the screen, every time my screensaver (her photo) appears, and every time I come back from lunch alone, I will repeatedly enter this password.

I think I cast a spell on myself. I'm not typing the password, but I'm constantly reminding myself to "forgive her".

This simple action changed my attitude towards my ex-wife. The password constantly reminds me to forgive her, so that I can accept the fact that my marriage is over, so that I can embrace a new life, face my depression calmly and stop being immersed in it.

In the next few days, my condition improved greatly. At the end of the second week, I found that the password was inefficient and began to lose its function. I released this spell again. I forgive her every time I enter the password. That healing effect will take effect again soon.

A month later, my dear Exchange server asked me to change my password again. I thought about what I should do next.

My new password is Quit@smoking4ever.

Guess what happened? I went there and gave up smoking the next day. Few people believe I did it. I have tried all kinds of books, e-cigarettes, plasters and so on. None of this is useful, but this little method has an immediate effect.

This password was very uncomfortable that month, but every time I entered this sentence, it made me yell at myself in my mind. This constantly motivates me to achieve my monthly goals.

Another month passed, and my password was changed to "Save4trip@thailand".

Think about where I went three months later. Thailand. And there is still some balance.

See how these passwords remind me to achieve my goals and help me stay motivated and motivated. Of course, I have to admit that it is not easy to find the next target. Sometimes it is not easy to find out what we need to change or decide which direction we should go.

Your next goal should be achievable. Avoid abstraction when describing, and use certain data to measure your goals. For example, if you want to find a new job, don't use "BeTh3NumberOne!" Instead, use "KickASS@LinkedIn!" And measure your progress and achievements through your new contacts, groups and resumes on LinkedIn.

Why is it so effective to change the password? Passwords allow you to reach your destination in the digital world in the simplest form. For example, copying files, unlocking computers and sending emails. This micro-achievement, this idea of "mysterious spells help me get things done" can help build a continuous motivation to focus on your monthly goals. This little habit can bring about great changes.

In this way, I found that if I adopt the right way, I can really change my life. That's it. I have made remarkable achievements month after month.

Here are some passwords I have used in the past two years to let you know what has changed in my life. Thanks to this method:

? Forgive her (forgive her) to my ex-wife and let me start this journey.

? Quit smoking @ Smoking 4 is always effective.

? Save4trip@thailand (saving money for a trip to Thailand) worked.

? Eat2times@day (eat twice a day) Well, it's useless, still very fat.

? Sleep @ before12 (sleep @ before12) works.

? Ask@her4date (asking her out) worked. I am in love again.

? No @ Drinking for 2 months (abstinence for 2 months) works. It feels great!

? MovE @ together 3r (cohabitation) works.

? Get@c4t! It worked. We have a super cute cat.

? Facetime2mom@sunday (video with mom on Sunday) worked. I call my mother every week.

I used this last month:

? Save4@ring (saving money for a ring) Mm-hmm. Life is about to enter a new chapter. Soon.

Now there are some small expectations every month. I can change my password once a month, enter the next stage of concentration, and inspire me to do the next thing.

This method has been effective for me for the past two years. I shared it with several close friends and relatives. I think this little habit may not be a major breakthrough, but it does have a positive impact on my life. So, I'm here to share this method with you.

Might as well have a try. With the right attitude and attitude, write down these sentences and you will change your life.

Of course, for security reasons, you can try some complicated descriptions. Use some symbols or numbers to make the password longer, and use some special means to deal with it at the beginning or end of the password. S4f3ty_f 1rst! (Safety first! )

Remember to tell other friends you think may need this method. If you can't think of a good password, you can try this website.

2014 June 2 1 Update: She said "I do".