So a scholar said, please talk about the conversation.
He replied:
When you are not satisfied with your thoughts, you speak.
When you can no longer live in the loneliness of your heart, you have to live on your lips, and sound is a pastime, an entertainment.
In many of your conversations, your thoughts are half mutilated.
Thoughts are like birds in the sky. In the cage of language, they may spread their wings, but they cannot fly.
Many of you, because you are afraid of silence, go to talkative people.
In the silence of living alone, their naked selves will appear in their eyes, and they want to escape.
There are also those who speak without knowledge or consideration, but they want to reveal a truth that they themselves do not understand.
There are also some people who have the truth hidden in their hearts, but they do not express it in words.
In the minds of these people, the soul lives in rhythmic silence.
When you meet your friends on the roadside or in the market, let your heart, use your lips, guide your tongue.
Let the sound of your voice speak to the ears of his:
For his soul will hold the truth in your heart.
Just as the light of the wine is forgotten, the wine glass is not retained, but the taste of the wine is forever remembered.