Patriotic Poetry Part I: Zhengqi Songs The world is full of righteousness and is multifaceted. Below is the Yuehe River, and above is the sun star. People call it awe, which is overwhelming.
The road to the emperor should be clear, including the Ming court. When you are poor, you can see it, one by one. In the history of Qi Taishi Jane, in the east of Shanxi Hu Bi.
Chasing in Zhang Liang, Qin, and on Emperor Wudi's Day. As the head of General Yan, he is endowed with the blood of Ji. Raise your teeth for Zhang Xun and spit your tongue for Yan Changshan.
Or for Liaodong's hat and Qing dynasty. Li bingxue Or for a model, a crying hero. Or to cross the river and swallow Hu Jie generously.
Still want to hit a thief, the vertical head is broken. It takes qi as its power, and it lasts forever. When it runs through the sun and the moon, life and death are at peace.
The earth depends on it, and the Tianzhu depends on it. Three cardinal principles are life and morality is the root. To Li Yangjiu, the official tone is also ineffective.
Chu prisoners carry crowns, and carts send them to the poor north. Tripods are as sweet as cups and are hard to get. There is a jack-o'-lantern in the darkroom, and the spring courtyard is closed and dark.
Cattle and horses share a bar of soap, and chickens live in phoenix. Once it is foggy, it is divided into ditches and barren areas. If it is so hot and cold, it is easy to get rid of it.
Hey, I'm on the battlefield and I'm happy for my country. Is he clever? Yin He won't be a thief. I care about this. Look up at the clouds.
My heart is sad and the sky is extremely high. The days of philosophers are far away, and the punishment is over. Reading on the eaves of the wind, painting on the ancient road.
Patriotic poem 2: "I use a broken palm" I use a broken palm.
Explore this vast land:
This corner has been reduced to ashes,
That corner is just blood and mud;
This lake should be my hometown,
(In spring, the bank is full of flowers.
There is a strange smell when the tender willow branches are broken. )
I touched the coolness of seaweed and water;
The snow peaks in Changbai Mountain are freezing cold.
The water and sediment of the Yellow River slip through the fingers;
The rice fields in Jiangnan are so soft ... now there is only Artemisia scoparia;
Litchi flowers in Lingnan are lonely and withered,
There, I was immersed in the bitter water of the South China Sea without fishing boats. ...
The invisible palm eats grass without complaint,
Fingers stained with blood and ash, palms stained with darkness,
Only the far corner is still intact,
Warm, bright, firm and vigorous spring.
On it, I stroked it with my broken palm,
Like a lover's soft hair, a baby's milk.
I put all my strength on my palm.
Post it, send love and all the expectations,
Because there is only the sun, no spring,
Will dispel the haze and bring Su Sheng,
Because this is the only place where we don't live like animals,
Die like an ant ... there, eternal China!
Patriotic Poetry Part III: "Motherland, I love you" I love your jingling camel bells.
It is it that makes the Silk Road go back to ancient times.
I love your green grass buds.
It masks the desolation of the Gobi Desert.
I like your country flute.
It is it that scatters colorful notes in all directions.
I like the tall buildings in your city.
It is it that puts people's ideals in the sun.
I like the blue waves of the Yangtze River.
It played and sang the voices of 56 nationalities.
I love you, waves of the Yellow River.
Raised 654.38+300 million people.
I like the majesty of the Great Wall.
It is the backbone of China people.
Huangshan, I love you.
It shows the beauty and dignity of the motherland.
I love your broad-minded plateau.
It is it that reveals the courage of the people of China.
I like the density of your sugarcane forest.
It is sweet to the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.
I like your open window.
It is it that makes the flower of civilization bloom.
I like your wave of reform.
It is it that takes off the hat of poverty and backwardness.
I like your clever mind.
It was it that won the gold medal for the four great inventions.
I love your hardworking hands.
It's for the modern motherland.
I like your great national flag.
It represents the direction of the people.
I like your colorful sails.
It is it that makes the ship of the century whistle and sail!
Motherland, I love you.
I like your Aoki grass show.
I like your birdsong and frog's singing.
I love your mountains and rivers.
I love your city, town and country.
I like your affair.
You love your beautiful sun.
Motherland, I love you.
You gave me life.
You gave me strength.
You give me the desire to plug in.
A pair of flying wings
? Chapter 4: Ode to the Yellow River, my friend!
With his heroism,
Vilen in Asia;
It shows the spirit of our nation:
Great and powerful!
We are heading for the Yellow River,
Sing our hymn.
I stood at the top of the mountain,
Looking at the rolling Yellow River,
Run southeast.
The waves are rough,
Set off a turbulent wave;
Turbid flow turns around,
Form a nine-song chain;
From the foot of Kunlun Mountain,
Run to the yellow sea;
Put the central plains land
Split into two sides.
Ah, the Yellow River!
You are the cradle of the Chinese nation!
Five thousand years of ancient culture,
Originated from you;
How many heroic stories,
Play by your side!
Ah, the Yellow River!
You are great and strong,
Like a giant
Appears on the plains of Asia,
Use your heroic body
Build a barrier for our country.
Ah, the Yellow River!
You're depressed,
To the north and south banks
Stretch out a thousand iron arms.
The great spirit of our nation,
Will be cultivated by you
Carry forward and grow!
Heroes and sons and daughters of our motherland,
Will learn from you,
As great and strong as you!
As great and strong as you!
Chapter 5 of Patriotic Poetry: I Love This Land Ai Qing
If I were a bird,
I should also sing with a hoarse throat:
This land hit by the storm,
This river of sadness and anger will surge forever,
This endless wind,
And the gentle dawn from the forest ...
And then I died,
Even feathers rot in the ground.
Why do I always have tears in my eyes
Because I love this land deeply. ...
Selected works of patriotic poems and songs;
★ Poems about Patriotism (Selected)
★ Complete reading of patriotic poems
★ 202 1 6 patriotic poetry.
★ Poetry about patriotism
★ Eight patriotic poems
★ Selected modern classic patriotic poems
★ Selected modern patriotic poems
★ Modern Poetry about Patriotism
★ patriotic modern poetry
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